Have you been lacking Inspiration lately? Well so have I! I have been feeling so low that I have not wanted to do much!  The things that I used to enjoy don’t seem to feel me with the joy that I once felt!  You know I have suffered with Anxiety and Depression for most of my life, it all started when my Dad died when I was 21, it was three weeks from diagnosis to his actual death and I never felt that I had actually told him how much I loved him and that hurt for years and years afterwards…

When I feel low…I often venture into my garden and potter about out there, there is always something to do and the fresh air puts me in a better mood!  There has been so much distruption in our lives lately its no wonder that we feel a little lack lustre isn’t it

Still this is not an ‘all about me post’…I just felt compelled to write something today because I have abandoned this little space of mine and I am really sorry about that…Instead I want to post some inspirational pictures that I have found in my archives that I thought if you were feeling a little ‘run down’ like me, you might like to have a look at them…

happy loves rosie vintage books

These Pictures were taken in our little Cottage before we moved here…

vintage tins cath kidston roses buttons

We used to travel to France a lot, buying clothes and Jewellery for our Shop in Rochester High Street, whilst we were there, we used to go to many Brocantes and buy lots of pretties…I miss those days…

Of course we didn’t just stop at buying in France…back in the day, Bootfairs in the UK were fabulous and not many people were into the vintage scene, so we were able to pick up little treasures for not a lot of money…

I sure did cram that place up with plenty of stuff…I like a lot of things around me! I makes me feel safe!  If you are like me, don’t feel you have to change because people tell you, You do You!

Such pretty things all in one place…the Cottage really looked lovely, this was the Dining room.

This was the Outhouse where I used to do a lot of crafting, the Cottage was a two up and two down, but its amazing isn’t it when you don’t have much space, how you can adapt a house into a home!

I love this little vignette…can you see where it is in the above picture?

I hope I have inspired you a little bit today, if you are interested I have a PINTEREST account full of inspirational content…I even have ‘An Inspiration for today Board’ so go please check that out…

We have all been through a terrible time of it lately haven’t we!  and my heart goes out to all of you who might have lost or nearly lost you’re dearly beloved’s!…feeling alone and defeated can affect us all…Please know that we can get through this, we have to be positive for our families. 

Love and Positive thoughts to you all…My dear Blogging Friends…

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