Are you getting bored yet?

Who would of believed it…Having Easter in lockdown is going to be ‘The Pits’…No family gatherings, No Easter Egg hunts with friends and No going to the Garden Centres…Infact No Shopping at all! Well unless its online! and then you can be in a queue! You know what I was in a queue the first week in lockdown for Boots the Chemist and they informed me I was 296,394’th in the queue to shop on their site…needless to say I never hung around…how many hours would that equate in waiting time do you think?

And to add insult to injury!

…this week, we haven’t been able to get a food shop slot even though we are in the vulnerable catergory, none of us can go out because of health issues or over 70, so we are incubating for 3 months…the garden is our only domain and I am even getting a little bored of that!  So Easter was beginning to look chocolateless and I was getting all down in the dumps, because I have a sweet tooth and I’m aloud to have a little luxury at Easter surely!  But NO apparently being a certain supermarket customer for 30 odd years doesn’t count in the Lockdown! so we can starve for all they care!…I have been refreshing the button on my tablet 24/7 to see if there are any new delivery slots…Gosh its like a full time around the clock me plenty of stress too!

…But after clapping outside this evening for the brilliant work that all our key workers are doing for the Country (BIG CHEER to all of YOU again from the HLR family x) I got talking to my Mums neighbour, Clare (remember I am staying at Mums) and she has offered to get us some shopping tomorrow, for which I am so grateful…it’s the little things like that, that really go a long way with me…I will always remember how kind she was to of asked us if we needed help…it brings tears to my eyes to think about how kind people can be in tough times…I really am truly grateful to her…

…It grounded me a bit…

coz everyone is going through the same tough times all around the world…we are all getting bored and going slightly crazy, but we have got to be thankful for the things that we have got!  The new found friendliness that we have for each other, the way when the going gets tough, the tough get going and all that…Don’t get me wrong, there have been people that I have been totally amazed by…neighbours of mine that have totally flounced the rules of the Government…diced with death so to speak, but then that is up to them…but in general people have been kind and helpful, just watching on TV and seeing communities feeding the NHS staff and the homeless is wonderful.

I hope after all this, we can look back and say it made us better, as a human race perhaps we can look at ourselves and think lets all be a little kinder to each other…let’s work together…let’s not be so competitive…try to be tolerant of others and to not be greedy! (well apart from when chocolate is involved anyway! lol!)

I have added these Easter cards and postcards from my own collection to this blog post.  I thought perhaps you might like to send them to friends and family via email this weekend.

Try to have fun this Easter and stay connected…
If you have any ideas on things to do in the lockdown…Please let us all know…
Click on comments below and jot down some ideas…it will be lovely to hear from you x


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