vintage french decor

Fighting my Depression and other Bad Luck Stories…

I am so sorry that I have not posted in a while…my life has been rather manic and I didn’t post all through December and January.  For a start december was a very busy month and I had meant to post something but I got rather involved with the build up and was enjoying that without taking pictures and writing posts in my head, so blogging was kind of put to the side.  I love the build up to Christmas, I think its the best part! all that rushing around and decorating the house…I even bought a sustainable tree that I can plant in the garden and it is doing really well…

happy's house

The reason for the long gap in proceedings was that my Mum was taken ill with an acute appendicitus…she was admitted to hospital on the 22nd December and was quickly sent through to theatre to have the op…initially she sailed through it all, but then caught a chest infection and on Christmas Day it was touch and go whether she was going to pull through it all…!

eclectic decor

It was a devastating time for all of us and really upsetting…but when the going gets tough…the tough get going and my Mum is a tough old cookie and she pulled through, although it was touch and go at the time! I was visiting the hospital every day and with the help of family support we managed to get her out of hospital on the 10th January…which was her 90th Birthday…

red white and blue collectibles

We were supposed to be having a party for her at Hempstead House But that all had to be cancelled and instead we had a little party at home for her, she looked beautiful, my Auntie Gill did her hair and makeup and although she was still quite poorly, it was a lovely time having our immediate family with us…they were the ones that held me together, because I felt then that I was loosing control…pretty home decor

She is a lot better now, and with the help of carers, I have been able to take a step back…and god did I need it! Although, don’t get me wrong, I am so grateful that my Mum has got better, but it has been gruelling on me, as I haven’t felt that I have had any time to myself…Hence not blogging at all!…and the not blogging has made me feel really bad about myself…I still think in blog posts, but I just can’t be bothered to write anything…It feels like I am in a catch 22 situation…I am a carer to so many people and have no time to myself…I am being pulled left right and center…It’s like juggling plates…and these plates have started to tumble!

paintings and photographs

I thought I would add pictures of my sitting room in this post…

vintage mannequin
They are a bit blurry, because I have taken them on my hand-me-down iphone (LOL)

vintage enamelware and a stormtrooper
It has all been changed around since Christmas too…Not drastically, but a little bit here and there…also certain things are missing!  I think they have been packed up and gone into the loft…that was teamwork! we were only to glad to get the decorations down! at least we had put them up early enough to enjoy them…then once Mum got poorly, we took it in turns, when we was home to pack it all into boxes and Rosie’s Fiance Jamie Packed it all into the loft for us…He has been a diamond.

wooden soldiers and coral

That’s another bit of news which  haven’t told you about, but no doubt I shall be blabbing about that often enough over the next few months…But Rosie is now Engaged to the Wonderful Jamie and he is so lovely…They bring out the best in each other and that’s what it’s all about isn’t it!

french vintage enamel

plastic eiffel tower

Regarding my fatigue, I know I need to go to bed earlier and get up earlier, but my body clock is now so used to going to bed around two and then when I need to get up at say 8 I am tired all day and that doesn’t help with my depression…but I love that when everyone else is in bed, I get no disturbances…no one saying, ‘can you do that’ ? ‘can you get this’? ‘when you next get up, can you get me so and so’?… I can just sit there and be me!  thing is though I am just sitting there…scrolling through my phone getting nothing achieved…often looking for things on ebay, that when i look around my craft room I already have and have even better! lol! What a wally I can be!

vintage shutters

Oh dear sorry if I have been rambling on a bit! but I always used to be a bit of a rambler! I love you gals and guys out there and have missed you all, blogging is seen as a career move these days, but back in the day we were all friends and loved blogging about our homes and crafts that we used to do in our spare time…I loved it back then…I hope I can get back some of my old followers, as since I have moved to wordpress (all very complicated! for me!) I don’t know where you all went 🙁 and i suppose the lack of blogging doesn’t help or the sponsored posts…sorry about that…but now i have to pay for hosting my blog and it came a bit of a surprise in January…after the initial £36.00 last january trial offer, I had to pay triple figures! That HURT!

eclectic french decor

Meanwhile in other news…

My Freddy is having to have corrective surgery on an old operation, because of his Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, it didn’t heal very well! But before they do the operation there looks like there is a problem with his heart, so that has to be sorted first!

Our car got smashed up and broken in too right outside our door! (I didn’t hear a thing!)
Looks like they were trying to hot wire a disabled vehicle! What is the world coming too!

Moving furniture around in my Mum’s guest bedroom, I manage to drop the writing desk on my toe, only to make it hurt like hell and go black!

I am feeling like I am going Slightly mad!

…and to top it all

The new Hire vehicle from the insurance company gets a flat tyre!

dinky caravan and red geraniums

You have got to laugh really haven’t you!

I think my nickname ‘Happy’ might have to change soon!

Sometimes I think we are actually living in Hell…!
All the things that go wrong, all the bad luck and trying times we have been through!

Goodbye for now my lovelies
I hope you are all keeping well and are having better times

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