Since I have changed my hair colour from red to grey, I feel like I am a new person...When I had the red hair, because it was so vibrant, I felt like I had to always be bright and cheerful myself! Oh don’t get me wrong! I actually loved being that happy person, dressing in bright and happy colours and decorating my home in that way, but now I feel I have entered a new phase in my life...if I was writing a book, it would be called a new chapter…

grey hair

Of course moving to a new modern home also had a hand in my transition...I got to work in the garden (my new hobby) and Fred wanted to do the interior and between us we have changed quite a lot. We have got rid of a lot of colour in our lives and as Fred says “grown up more” Yes we were both ready for the change.
garden shoes and geraniums
I have stopped collecting trinkets from my past (probably because I am getting on so much better with my Mum!) and have taken quite a few items to the charity shops, just to declutter my head! Things like all the jewellery I had made to sell on my half of those bad boys never got listed at all...just waiting, sitting around idly taking up precious space.  My vintage material pile got a decluttering too! At first I was a little bit nervous, thinking I wanted to keep the lot, but the more I got rid of things, the more I felt the New Me was emerging.

laundered linen

Florals have always played a big part in my life and coveting Cath Kidston since 1993 I have laid out a pretty penny!...harping back to the memories of my Nan and Grandad’s house, the olden days so to speak, memories of happy times with all my family around me spurred me on to be a collectaholic of everything I remembered from that time!
brown and blue enamel kitchen

Now I am finding that I like more modern things, it’s such a breathe of fresh air now, shopping in modern shops and looking at the latest trends, with regard to fashion and home decor.  My red hair used to stop me from buying a lot of clothes, I mainly stuck to blues, but now I can wear vibrant reds, bright yellows without looking like mustard and tomato ketchup! ;) and Cerise.

fiorelli handbag

I have also moved away from brightly coloured accessories and I now like more sleek simple shapes, circles, squares, ovals in silver and golds in Jewellery and classic shapes in bags…

marks and spencers necklace

I have changed my mugs from pretty Cath Kidston ones to a more earthy style like the ones below…
rustic range by Next
I have still kept a lot of my enamelware, but where we had so much of it, we were able to declutter a lot of the red keeping the pastel blues and pinks...Our house is forever changing and evolving, as indeed we are’s good to have a change every now and then...we feel that now we are on the road to recovery from all the dark and horrible times that we have had in the past few years

Bye for now my lovelies…see you soon

Love Happy x


  1. Wonderful. You are an inspiration. So Lovely. Thank you.

    1. Thank you...its so lovely to read your comments xx

  2. **love** the new look...have been a reader of yours for years now...loved the 'old' you and will now look forward to the 'one' version...whichever one it may is still YOU...the gal I admire!! Cheers ~ Valerie xo

    1. Thank you Valerie, you are so kind. I hope you will like what I show you xxx


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