I thought it was about time that I update you all on what has been happening around here...we have finally arrived at the other end of the tunnel...all the work as been done on the house to make it Freddy friendly and we have also designed the living room to carry it forward for 2017...

Ok so we have argued alot about what we should have, as I still love kitschy chic, but Freddy wanted a more grown up look kinda like what we had here but with a bit more grey added! but we have had to compromise...we agreed that we would keep our favourite ornaments and get rid of the really kitschy ones (I have added a few back though! shhhh don't let him know ;))

The amount of stuff I have given to the charity shop is unreal! especially with my mum moving over too! we have all been on a 'chuck out your chintz' detox lol! and I haven't even finished...I hope that by Easter, everything will be sorted and we can actually start to enjoy the fruits of our my labour!

Anyways I thought I would add some pictures of what has been happening and talk you through them as I go...so here goes folks.
happy house collectables

This used to be the view of our living room as you walked through the door and looked to the right. Freddy spent a whole year in a hospital bed behind this unit, not able to get upstairs at all, but it was 100% better than the horrible cottage that we lived in before, although you might have liked the decor, it was a constant reminder of Fred's accident and he was trapped in the Dining room...Our new forever home enabled him to have a wash in the downstairs bathroom, cook in the kitchen and washup! and best of all get out and about on his scooter!

mums move to kent

After my Mum had moved over and a few days before the builders were supposed to start work on the lift, I got a nasty chest infection...I think it was my body telling me i needed the rest as I was so run down and depressed, I had already suffered a rotten cold sore the week before!...you see I got no help from anyone...ok so we had removal men to pack everything up, but I had to unpack everything at my mums new place myself, well that and move the furniture into places that we finally decided to move it into!  

Freddy in the thick of it
freddy in the thick of it whilst the builders were installing the lift

Obviously my Mum, Rosie and Freddy couldn't help...and my son Daz works so hard, so it was all left for me to do...and after a while I was really feeling tired and would of loved some help...but no-one offered and I am not one to ask, so my health suffered in the process and all I could do was hope that someone could send me a Knight in Shining Armour to help me get the living room clear ready for the builders to start work!

Happy House mess
The builders moved some of the ornaments into the kitchen
So! it was the morning before the lift men were supposed to turn up to start work...I was in bed trying to sleep,  still coughing my guts up! when I was awoken by a lot of commotion going on downstairs...it sounded like furniture being moved and men talking! I thought to myself that I must be dreaming this! But no! The workmen had turned up a day early!

This was the answer to my prayers! and all three of them moved all the furniture over to the other side of the room including Freddies bed and everything in the space of about 20 minutes!...I really couldn't thank them enough...they were lovely lads and got on with their work while Freddy provided them with cups of tea here and there and I was able to rest upstairs...I did call an ambulance over the weekend thinking I was having a heart attack at one point (I wasn't thank goodness!)...but I won't bore you with those details lol!

shabby chic bedroom lovely
My view from my bed, the night before my knights in shining armour arrived! Note..I have hidden all the tissues x

cutting the hole out for the lift
lift hole cut out and strengthening ceiling

Before any of you panic that I have sent all my kitschy collectables to the charity shop...don't worry! although I have given a lot away, I have kept the pieces that I think you will all like and I am going to add them over time to my shop again...We have got too much enamel for one thing and although I filled the cottage up with wall to wall ornaments... I can't do it so much here, as everything has to be Freddy accessible...also this clearing out milarkie is doing my brain fog a hell of a lot of good...the only place that I seem to of cluttered up is my craft room...I will show you that another day but basically it looks a bit like my other craft room lol! 

builders making lots of dust
There was dust everywhere!

builders born in a barn
front garden

The whole house was freezing because my builders were obviously born in a barn!...the front door was open constantly and poor Freddy had about 10 layers of clothing on to try and keep warm!  We had all sorts of tradesmen turn up in those 5 days! they must of all thought what a lazy b*tch...all Fred's wife ever does is sleep in bed lol! oh if only they knew!

There is still alot of sorting out to do, as I said before I want to be finished by Easter...because all the work had to be delayed on the house for a year (as the house was brand new...it needed to settle) so we hadn't really moved in properly...so I will carry on visiting the charity shop with things I don't want and things that you won't want either...I will hang pictures and re-arrange shelves etc etc...but in the mean time here is a sneaky few pictures that I took on my iphone...I will show you more when I have finished it all properly...

ascendit lift installed at Happy's House
Freddy's lift all installed and ready to go!

new home decor in the happy house
Rearranging the house to both our tastes.
The Happy House with plenty of grey
sorting out all of our favourite ornaments and compromising on others.

If you have made it to the end of this post! I congratulate you...it has been a long one hasn't it! I just felt that I owed you an update and didnt realise it was going to take so long myself! but there you have it!  I must also add that now Freddy can live like any other person in his own house is immense! It makes me so happy to finally have my husband back! It has been a terrible couple of years but we have got through it and are better people for it. 

Ok so we have argued about the decor, but I have to give in a bit, as I love that he is interested again...we are all happier people now...how we have arranged the house works for everyone...

It has now become a Happier than Ever Happy House ;)

why not subscribe to my posts on the sidebar...if you are interested in seeing how we have transformed 'The Happy House' into the 21st Century!

Bye for now, Love Happy xx

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