free scrapbook elements

 It's Father's Day on Sunday, so for those of you who have not bought a Father's Day card, I thought I would make you up an Element pack for you to print, cut and add to a card blank.

This would be a fun thing to do with your kids if they are into making cards...or you can keep it and save for making other (personal) projects in the future.

free card making kit

Don't forget to use sticky foam pads for dimension and other embellishments that you have in your craft stash!...You can get a idea of what I mean Here!
digital scrapbooking elements

Remember to right click on the images and save them to your computer or open them in a new tab and then save...Please let me know how you get on.

free card making kit free card making kit
All scrapbooking elements were provided by Pixel Scrapper..I so love that site!


...and a Happy weekend to you all.

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