pink and orange plooms
Do you remember THIS post when the lovely Sally from PLOOMS sent me a lovely red fountain pen? well don't worry if you missed it! I was bragging and I might have bored you a bit! ;D but bragging I was; because I love this pen so much... 

pink ploom fountain pen roses
 I choose the red one, because my hair is red and I have rosy red cheeks..and of course it is one of my favourite colours. (there is no denying that on this blog ay!)..So I was talking to Sally the other day and she suggested that we do a give-away here on happy loves rosie...and what better a time than to be in with a chance to win one of these divine pens...what with the Christmas Card writing season just upon us!
ploom fountain pens
So be in with a chance to win a Plooms Pen worth £59...
Please leave a comment below and tell me what colour you would prefer if you won,
 with a little reasoning behind it. Simples!

The Give-away is open to everyone no matter what country you live in...I will draw this Give-away next Wednesday 3rd December.
You can have as many goes as you get cracking my lovelies.

1 comment:

  1. I like the purple one! pretty:)


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