fresh flowers vintage caravan
Back when we bought our Vintage Caravan in 2009 they weren't that popular...well people still went away on holiday in them, but people never really just bought one to have in their garden to 'play in'! But since 2009 it has been rather a phenomenon and now peeps are buying them to decorate and use for a bit of extra space for the kids, or a craft studio, which ours was originally used for...

inside Happy's Vintage Caravan
Now, Freddy has told me that I can have it...originally it was his art studio! so just lately I have been in there, sprucing it know giving it a clean and finding things that had been squirreled in there for safe keeping, for me to think that I had lost it! 
Happy's green Holivan Caravan
Really the caravan lends itself to the summer months...but it is also lovely sitting in there with a nice cup of Rosey Lea and a couple of biscuits whiling away an afternoon....just reading a book or lying on the bed and listening to the radio...just getting away from the house and into that place is lovely...even just for an's like a crafty rest on the beach or a walk in the country...just enough to give your batteries a charge...oh yes it's still the perfect space!
 vintage caravan
So just to let you know...if you are thinking of purchasing it! just make sure it has no damp and no leaks...especially as we are heading for winter wouldn't want to decorate it, only to go in there to charge your batteries and everything is soaking!
outside vintage caravan
If you have a hubby that says it is not a good idea...tell him that is rubbish! especially if he has a man shed! tell him this is your's real fun decorating a caravan in your own style.  Our Holivan has got rather weathered on one side where the sun shines on it and she will have to be repainted...I managed to get a garage door paint in the same green and I will be doing that next.
vintage holivan caravan
It's nice to get out in the garden...although this time of year there is a lot to do according to Alan Titchmarsh...but never underestimate a woman with an extremely large hedge trimmer!
inside a vintage caravan
For my other caravan {yes I have two} I have been looking at colours and have bought several paints which have all been tested in patches up the side of it...oh it does look well! I suppose eventually it will get too cold to go out there and spruce things up and that's when 'play' will have to stop..but until then I am having lots of fun!
vintage caravan door
Have you bought a vintage caravan lately?
What style are you decorating it in?
What make is it?
Do tell.



  1. Oh I love your colours and your style so much!!!!
    Fantastic work!!
    Hugs and kisses,

    1. Thank you Barbara that is so sweet of you,,,hope you are keeping well xxx

  2. Oh, I just love your van, Happy! How could anyone be blue, with such a lovely hidey hole? And I love all the goodies you decorate it with. Keep up the good work - it makes wonderful reading on these gloomy, wet Autumn days. Thanks, Chris x

  3. I was just thinking of you yesterday and wondering how the reno of your second caravan was coming along. Have you painted it? Hope all is 'happy'. xx

  4. And our Pearl is still waiting for her reno. We bought her in 2004 and she had a leak that caused water damage and dry rot. First thing hubby did was seal up the roof so no more leaking. We were able to take her glamping for seven yrs but the dry rot eventually caught up to us and she needs to be rebuilt where the damage is. Thankfully hubby is a carpenter so will do the work. Now all he needs is time. Look forward to seeing your other caravan after it's painted.

  5. Happy..I had a vintage American Scotty we call them here..years ago when my son was little and I sold it..I could just kick myself now when I see what you have done with yours..Oh how I would love to have that space now to relax and read or craft in..I can't wait to see what you do with the other one..Hugs!

  6. Ooh she's so lovely! I have my own vintage caravan ... I've only had her since the end of June and I absolutely love her and don't know how I managed without her ... Dotty's the name! She is my craft room, bolt-hole and inspiration maker. Everyone should have one definitely! xxx (She did get rather wet inside last week as we hadn't realised that the seal on the door had gone, but she's repaired now and drying out nicely) xxx

  7. The rain is coming down, it is grey, dreary and dull. But you have made me smile. A lot.
    Thank you
    PS Hope your PLOOM arrived safely

  8. I have a lovely vintage caravan .she is late 1960s Australian van and she is my run away spot, my daughters play van and occasionally in summer my husband will sit outside and have a beer whilst enjoying her vintage beauty.i hope to one day have her registered and take her on a holiday with the family.
    Thanks Happy your a great inspiration!

  9. such a lovely *happy* caravan ♥
    the colour you chose to paint it is gorgeous! looks so cozy inside & out.
    finding one is on my dream list ... always looking.

  10. Me encanta el blog lleno de color..alegria!!!

    Gracias por compartirlo

    Besitos mi niña

  11. What a lovely space to play and "recharge" your batteries in!

  12. Oh I love seeing your yummy pictures of your caravans and house again! No one does it better!

  13. I do love your blog happy.....and I've always loved your holivan.....too cute!!!xx


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