Thank you to all the people that sent me Happy Birthday wishes on Facebook and here on the blog, you really are a lovely bunch of people and I loved reading every single fact it helped to brighten my day :)

Happy Pressie's

I bought myself a camera with my birthday money...Yes a well earned treat for myself since the breakdown of my long loved Nikon D40 last Christmas...all this year I have managed with a little Samsung, which really never quite hit the spot!...and now I have the camera that I want...

What Camera?

For ages I researched camera's and I was willing to pay quite a lot of bucks for one..but I had to tell myself that although I love taking pictures...I am not an actual photographer...My Nikon D40 was a professional camera and you had to add different lenses onto it...but I always managed with the standard camera lens that came with it...I wanted to have a zoom lens, but they were way too I never ended up having one and just managed with it, as it was!

I wanted to stick with Nikon as I know where everything is with them...I think whatever camera you start out with, you tend to want to keep with that make...or is that just me ;)!

Anyways in the end I decided to go with the Nikon Coolpix 520, it is a bridge camera! (and much cheaper than the big buck DSLR's)...So that solves the problem with the lens milarkie and yet it has a lovely chunky professional feel to it...hence the name Bridge! it is a cross between a little digital camera and a large SLR camera...this totally suits me and what I need it for at the moment!

I am learning

Yes I have still yet to read the is very long and arduous, but I am determined to read and learn the different functions as I use it...I want  to take really lovely clear pictures, like I used to take with my old Nikon...sometimes I am a bit like a bull in a china shop and just charge ahead without reading any instructions...but I want to learn this camera properly and I suppose time will tell..


So Honey's watch this space...hopefully there will be an improvement on the quality of my pictures and as usual I will endeavour to keep bringing you fabulous pictures from my home, caravans and garden, as for now at least, I will be having a Blast doing it!...with my shiny new camera ;)

oh and P.S!If you are thinking of buying anything in Curry's (I know! not the best place in the world...but very convenient!) and you have looked click and collect instore, because that way your price that you see online will be guaranteed...whereas if you just saw it online and busted down to the store like we did!...your camera might have been advertised for £233 online but instore it will be £269 and when we asked if we could have it for the cheaper price, they would not budge! Grrrr! 

 Yes that really did happen to us! So thank heavens for technology lol!...I had a brainwave and went outside and clicked and collected on my Iphone, then two minutes later we headed back into the store and picked the camera up for the lower price instead! how CrAzY is that!

Have you any crazy shop stories to tell...?

Or do Curry's take the Prize for Jobs Worth this week ;)?



1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your new camera!. I think your pictures are always great, so I can't imagine what they will look like with this chosen camera!


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