I took Max for a walk the other day to Riverside Country Park..it is about half an hours walk away, but only 5 minutes in the car...Max loves the car, he likes to sit on my lap and breath in the air from the window...Bless!
 I took my camera with me, as it was such a nice day and took these pictures to show you how nice it is down there..!

....It was fun for Max, as there were so many other doggies down there, getting their daily exercise...he was eyeing up all the cute little bitches lol

He barked at the birds and sniffed all the new smells...and got a bit too friendly with a blackberry bush, for which he got stuck literally and I had to pull him out...silly billy!
 We then came to a little beach...and he ran in and swam around...he was really cute, as I did not know he could swim...I suppose it is instinct with doggies...his little doggy paddle was sooo cute :)
 I kept the lead on him as I didn't want him to drown, but i think next time, I could let him of, as he loved it.
 These are the lovely views walking back to the little cafe that is there...
Of course Max had to have some refreshment after his swim and I was rather parched too!

It was a lovely little walk...It really felt like we were on holiday...
I agree with Max...we will definitely be going back there, for another walk shortly :)



  1. That looks like such a lovely place and look at how cute Max was having his little swim! Thanks for sharing!

  2. What an amazing nature....I love your dog!!!

  3. Very beautiful. I like the pictures and like how you changed it up a bit. nice to see other places/countries I always enjoy your blog. Love your dog its they kind I am looking to get soon. :)


  4. Lovely pictures and Max is adorable!

    Claire xx

  5. What a great place to take Max for a walk! Maddy , my cavalier King Charles will go anywhere except in water. Lovely photos too!


  6. Simply love walks like this!!
    What a cutie little Max is too...
    Wishing you alovely rest of week, Happy!
    Love Mariax

  7. What a lovely place for a walk Happy..Max is one lucky pup..Thank you for sharing this walk with us!!

  8. Oh that just looked like an absolutely perfect walk. Beautiful pictures. Max is sooo cute!

  9. What a wonderful place for a walk. Max was sure enjoying it.
    Beautiful photos.


  10. What an adorable little dog. I have 4 poodles, I really love the small and cuddly dogs. Yours sure is cute

  11. Love your house and little Max is so adorable. Walking the dog really lifts the spirit.


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