I just thought I would let you know...I have 'finitoed' (is that a word!) the Ironing!
A lovely cool day (still had to have a fan on me though! ;))
and I have actually finshed! Woo Hoo! 
It only took about 5 hours lol!



  1. ahh, well done! I do hate the ironing, it is such a chore! x

  2. I actually love ironing, but get made fun of for it. I guess today's women don't iron much, which I can't understand. Do they just send it out? I mean, who can go around with wrinkly tea toweles. I have special chic-flick movies I keep on hand especially for when I iron. It's actually kinda zen. Happy ironing Happy! Blessings, Tia

  3. and lookin good while doing it! Don't we wish!

  4. A great sense of achievement! I must admit, I only iron just before I want to wear something, I rarely have a good session, not my favourite chore! Conversely, my sis loves it -she even irons her knickers!

  5. Oh yes! I actually like to iron..and, having said that, I need to get "at it". Hope your day was wonderful0 xo Diana

  6. I enjoy ironing as like Tia above I make sure I have a programme I'm excited to watch ready. It feels indulgent watching a show you love at 10.30 in the morning and time flies....

  7. I broke into a cold sweat just at the thought of ironing for 5 hours! I'd need a good bit of wine and some pop music to get me through even half of that! Well done!


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