What a wonderful weekend we had celebrating the Diamond Jubilee...
First we had the Flotilla Pageant... and what a wonderful spectacular that was!
 Red White and Blue featured a lot in the manpowered section...
and good on them! I couldn't have rowed for 5 miles!
 The Queen and the whole Royal Family...looked on in amazement...
 The Wisdom of Chartwell...looking mighty 'Dandy' in this picture.
 The Motorboats...representing the Commonwealth.
 Tower Bridge being lifted in honour of the Queen...
 Standing oh soooo Proud!
Happy's colourful decorations!
 ...and Max...celebrating on his back as usual! lol!
 Hello Ma'am....you are a Diamond!
 What a wonderful spectacular!
 Happy faces all around!
 Getting ready for The Royals return.
 'Big up Blighty' is Rife!
 Even in the rain...us Brits love a Royal Knee's up!
 and to top all the Pomp and Pagentry...
 It doesn't get better than this!
Wherever you were...we hope you had a fantastic...
BIG UP BLIGHTY Diamond Jubilee Weekend!

We had a smashing time!
indoor barbecues! lol!

 with brilliant friends and wonderful relations, although we might now be a little worse for ware! hic hic! it was sooo worth it...We loved every minute of it all!

Thankyou Our wonderful Queen Elizabeth for giving us so much of your life, you have been the backbone of our society for 60 years now...a wonderful constitution..someone to look up to and be so proud of.



  1. The Brits know how to do a party. I enjoyed the jubilee so much here on the other side of the pond. I had the Union Jack flag in front of my home for the festivities here in Omaha, NE USA.

  2. Fabulous post! I've only just discovered you blog, love love love it!
    Victoria xx

  3. A truly wonderful post, like yourself enjoyed every moment of it, big lumps in throat at times too. Long may we remember this occasion and Big Up Blighty!!!!

  4. Fabulous post and beautiful pictures!! :) xx HOlly

  5. Wow! I have so enjoyed the Jubilee, and your post is just GREAT! Mirrors my own feelings. :)

  6. Thank you for sharing these pictures. It must have been quite a party.

  7. What wonderful photos of the Jubilee celebration!! Thanks for sharing! Love your beautiful rose curtains! xo Heather

  8. so beautiful of London,
    thanks for all this pictures,
    London is so beautiful,
    have a nice day !
    sylvie from France

  9. Merci , j'adore Londres , les anglais et la reine !!! quelles belles journées !! see you soon !! xo patricia

  10. What a gorgeous blog! I'm so surprised I haven't discovered it before, I'm such an Anglophile. So glad you were able to enjoy the jubilee!

  11. Loved it all! Found myself wiping a tear or two as The Queen stood on the balcony of Buckingham Palace.
    When I think of her taking the throne at age 25!?! Amazing!

  12. FELICES ELLOS, pero más FELIZ tu PERRO MAX!!!
    Conxita :)))


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