Hello there my lovely gals...I have been exploring the blogging network these last few days and realised that I have been left behind with regard to the look and less and less detail of the heirachy blogging society...hehe that rhymes!

To explain my english...not even sure what I meant there either! there seems to be a lack of colourful design in the blogging fraternity...in other words everything seems to of gone all PLAIN! The Plain Janes seem to be popping up everywhere...boring white backgrounds, boring blog headers etc etc...

Now! has someone, somewhere decided that this is a new trend, because, I think it sucks!...I hate trends and prefer individuality...but sometimes you have to go with the flow...so I thought right...time for a change...lets go simple and all white.

I started with my website...I opted for a white background, I took away the lines and the header and just had my name at the top...it looked so plain...so boring...just not me! so I quickly changed it back again...

So I thought lets make this blog less interesting...so then all my pictures will stand out! So I started to create a new blog header for myself and ended up with this one I have currently! lol!

I don't think I can do plain!...I love my colour, and all singing all dancing style, which is repleated in my cottage too!...it just makes me happy!

I dont think I will be venturing out of my safe colourful zone for a while lol!

What style do you like? 
Do you prefer colourful blogs or the Plain Janes (:



  1. Colorful for me. But I like text that is easy to read. I hate solid black backgrounds. I love all the red on your blog!

  2. Yours looks even better than ever :) Must admit it all depends what mood i'm in, I have had several headers, all different (I like to be different), funnily enough I was thinking of changing mine again very soon :) I'm going through a "white" period (sorry!) at the moment, so we will have to see ;D

  3. I love colour, but I also love decor that is a bit Goth looking..!

    : )

  4. Please don't change ... it wouldn't be right xx

  5. Whites, whites, whites are everywhere! Even gray is becoming so popular. Maybe lives out there are so frantic and overwhelming that one would find comfort with a subdued palette at home. But as for me, with a relatively quiet farm life, I am energized by color. Love it! And I love your blog and your little RV for all of the wonderful colors!

  6. Color!! I love your style and I find the all white trend so boring. Every website I go where it is all white I leave.

    Amy Jo

  7. Well you know from my new gorgeous blog header, I love colour. Life is boring and bland enough without reading it in blogs too!!!

  8. I like both, I've seen some great, simple, clean lines in blogs but also some like yours that are full of colour and charm. There's room for everyone :)

  9. Never could live without my colorful world. Could never cross over to a life of creams and whites! Love your blog because of all the color and whimsy...keep it up!

  10. I love your blog and it's posted on my from page as a must read blog. I created a blog at the weekend and would love to personalise it with .....colour!!! Don't change your blog too much Heather xxx

  11. Oh you know me...I love colour all the way! If I knew how to do a colourful banner I'd have one! My friends in real life know me as the woman who will embellish her embellishments...colourfully! That's why I love your blog! BTW I STILL love my shop logo sooo much! It makes me happy every time I look at it! xxx

  12. I think your banner and blog looks fab.I think mine does too, as you designed it and I would never change it even if I knew how.My background is a bit boring and safe as my sister downloaded it off blogger I think.I can't say I've noticed this trend for white though I always notice the better blog banners.Keep up the good work,darling.
    Anne x

  13. Color foe me as well....I am not sure why white became so darn popular, but I think it is boring when there is no pop of any real color!!!! Yours still sings happy!!!!! I think the white is actually a little harder on the eye....just my 2 cents worth....:) Sandy @ 521 Lake Street

  14. Keep on being HAPPY! My blog was plain for so long because of my lack in digital/technical skills! A bit more design now but still not quite what I want. We love you for your style! Plus remember when you changed some of the design up in your house last year? What happened? You weren't quite comfortable with it, right?! Too plain ...You'd have to change the name to - Mellow loves Rosie ? How weird would that sound ;)

  15. Please don't mess with your personal colourful style! I love your bright and cheerful blog every time I stop by. It's always so awesome! :)

  16. Happy, don't you ever change into a Plain Jane! It's just not YOU! Why, if you went "plain", then you'd have to change your nickname to Sad!

  17. Love all your gorgeous color! You new header is so sweet and cheery! I like colorful blogs, but I also love grey, which is my main color on my blog, vintage grey! Have a great day! xo Heather

  18. I just love your colourfull blog and website that is just you and it is wonderfull. I am totally different but can absolutely enjoy colorfull you and your blog/weblog. Please don't change, that would be against your nature and so unhealthy!

  19. Don't ever give in to the trends unless you're "feeling it"! Your website is beautiful. I do like the white background, as it makes the other colours pop even more.

  20. We like *your* style Happy, and it is just that..STYLE! it will outlast any of that plain jane stuff. keep the colour and cheerfulness coming :)

  21. Oh dear, I fear I am a 'White' person, but I do love a blast of colour within that! Your Blog looks lovely!! Andrea

  22. I'm sorry but no one Rocks Gypsy Kitsh like you!!! Maybe its more Gypsy Chic? Love the colour, love the look, you are one of a kind and don't change please!?

  23. Me too! I adore colour and am extremely happy with my blog header montage. Hooray for colour! xXx

  24. I love love your style. I have as much colour as i can on my blog but would love to personalise it more and do a fabulous banner like the one you have and yet I don't know how - maybe there aren't lots of plain janes out there just don't know hows like me!!!! xx

  25. I would be happy too if you keep the color! I revel in it!

  26. I think what appeals to me is when someone is totally authentic in their style. You are colorful, cheerful, vivacious, and so totally YOU. I love it.... I know other people that totally rock the streamlined design with a taupe background and a single black flourish, but because they are being totally themselves, I love that too!


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