A lot of things have been happening at the Happy House lately...Ok Ok so it has been raining cats and dogs outside for a few weeks and my joints seem to be affected by the damp...jobs that I have been putting off for ages have been building up and the fact that I have two grown up children living with me...doesn't seem to help!!!...but only make them worse! Do kids ever end up tidying up after themselves????
 Anyway...the Ironing needed doing, (I had a pile taller than the Eiffel Tower!) The house was getting into a right 'ole mess...and I told myself it was Ok because I was an artist...and all artists live in a mess! lol!...but it was making me depressed...no-one in the house is really capable...Rosie and Freddy are excused because they have 'orrible conditions and my grown up son Daz is always out! I think there is a method in his madness, so he doesn't have to do any jobs for me...!
 ...and what with all the rain...oh sooo depressing..I decided to use it to my advantage in the end and get sorting out and decorating...because after all who wants to decorate when its hot outside!
 The grass in the garden has grown nearly as tall as my ironing pile...but I will have to leave that until it gets a bit dryer...what I have been doing though is decorating my bathroom, I have painted it a duck egg blue and moved the furniture around a bit and added some different books and ornaments...I haven't taken any pictures in there yet though....but rest assured that when I do I will blog about it :)
 I have also sorted out my bedroom, added a few different pictures...moved the bed around to four different corners of the room and then decided it looked better where it originally was! Phew! it was sooo tiring doing that...I am also planning to add some wallpaper in this room (only on one wall) and perhaps paint some furniture...but again I will blog about that when I have finished it all...
 I have been buying little nic naks on my travels and now I have so many things to add to my website, and re-decorate the rest of the house with...if you have been watching that programme 'The Hoarder Next Door'...well that is me right now...all my collectables are in the corner of the dining room, with the pile getting bigger and bigger...but it makes me feel soooo good! I just love clutter! lol! I am contradicting myself there a bit I know..but happy clutter is good clutter ain't it!
 ...and yesterday morning, Freddy's Mum and Dad popped round to help me with the ceremonious and rather overdue task of pulling down the overgrown ivy from the front of the house...yep it had reached the roof and was trying to get into the rafters!...surprisingly it came down really easily...it was a job that I had been putting off for ages, as I rather liked the look of it...but the thought that it could damage the roof was too much...but after a lot of hard work our efforts paid off and now we are ivyless!
I am now thinking how to make the front look better...nothing a few red geraniums can't sort out me finks!

I hope you have enjoyed the pictures...all taken in my house, here and there,  more will follow, the more I keep you updated with how things are going...

Speak soon my luverlies...



  1. Such gorgeous photos and treasures!! Love the roses and strawberry fabrics!! So pretty!! Have a lovely week!! xo Heather

  2. Can't wait to see your makeovers, and yes! Red geraniums will always make things better xxx

  3. Makeovers make everyone feel good, and there isnt a better time than when its raining :)

  4. No matter that it's raining outside, as I type this ... Seeing all the lovely happy photos on your blog, always makes me smile

  5. Happy you make me Happy with all your cuteness....I feel the same way about my house I am always making art and no time to clean or straighten up......it gets to be overwhelming and you just have to stop and get the jobs done.....your photos are so colorful and can't wait to see more.... Have a hopefully dryer week......

  6. I can't answer your question about grown kids ~ but I am wondering if husbands ever learn to pick up after themselves???

    Susan and Bentley

  7. I always smile when I come here to visit you. Children never learn to pick up after themselves when they come home they regress back into childhood! And, men...well, they are mostly babies anyway.

    Love all your bright, cheery colors here- Blessings-xo Diana

  8. I'm looking forward to your updates and I just love the pictures of your cozy home.


  9. I love all the color. Some people shy away from color but your colorful photos are fantastic.

  10. Good for you working thru your frustrations! I bought the June Romantic Homes Magazine . Really nice article & pictures! Since I couldn't seem to buy any of your cards here in the states I now have some pictures of your caravan & house Yeah!

  11. What does rain matter when you're surrounded by so many delightful things! Reading this blog is like adding a few cheery new decorations to my own house. I love it!

  12. Did you actually write something? I couldn't read cause my eyes were mesmerized by your (as always) gorgeous photos. Eye candy, Brain bling, whatever you call it, I love your look!

  13. Honestly in love with your blog. I'm renovating my new house and hope I can make it even half as beautiful as your home. Inspirational. x


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