Happy Easter my lovely people...
 I have bought the outside in...this easter...I have flowers all over the place...although I have had to spray these yellow ones with perfume lol! I must admit they are looking a little worse for ware this morning! EeK!

Ok so I have spread the decorations around a bit...but everything looks so fresh and vibrant...I have also decorated this year with these vintage and very very shabby Japanese lanterns...I have had them for a couple of years now...infact I nearly put them up at Christmas...but they would of looked a little lost in amoungst all that sparkle...

 So I decided to put them up on the ceiling for this Easters decorations and I think they look wonderful...do you like them?
 My little chickadees are everywhere...and looking very cute in and amoungst my BIG UP BLIGHTY collectables.

These flowers above I did spray with perfume...coz they were getting a little whiffy!...so can you please squint when you are looking at this piccie...and hopefully the flowers might look a little better lol!
 These are the eggs I managed to get...I have filled them with lots of little treats including maltesers and scratch cards...all ready for the Easter Egg hunt later today.
 Its funny...as I usually have a stash of chocolate by where I sit in the living room...and last night my son Daz came to sit with us and watch telly, he asked if I had any chocolate and I said no and that I was saving anything I had for the Easter Egg hunt lol!
Anyway...I hope you have enjoyed all my pictures & do have a Happy Day today whatever you decide to do I will try to go to church I think, as I love to keep up with traditions...I might even fit in an afternoon Booty as well...and then I think a lovely Roast Dinner and a Snooze!

Sounds like a good plan!

Speak so my lurvelies



  1. A most happy Easter to you and your family,too! xo Diana

  2. Happy Easter to the entire family. I hope Daz gets an extra little bit of candy. My oldest is 24 and he still loves to get a little basket with treats.

  3. I wish you a Happy Easter, i love your pictures and talent for decorating.

  4. Hello sweet Happy! I do hope your Easter was wonderful! Your plans sound lovely! I got tickled about your son, that is too cute! I love all of your gorgeous vignettes and your lovely Easter decorations! You home is so cheerful and happy! You inspire me! I think the paper lanterns look perfect! They are gorgeous!!! Everything is! Much love, Paula xo

  5. I love your pictures, I'm getting really happy when I see all this :)! Beautiful flowers!

  6. Love your pictures and shabby chic so much I bought one in your shop. I did a tapestry years ago of bluebells in a wood and gave it away. I regret that now....hey ho. Anyway I've joined your blog so shall look forward to seeing more..hope you had a good Easter. Joan

  7. Your website, shop and blog are fantastic! Don't know how you do it, but I am envious!! x

  8. Must be something in the name my husband Darren spends most nights acting like there is a chocolate hunt on.

  9. j'adore ton univers si frais, si coloré! ton blog est une jolie découverte! j'adore, j'adore, j'adore...!

  10. so glad I stumbled upon your blog- it is absolutely charming!

    I will be back!


  11. Hi there,

    Just discovered this gorgeous blog! If you get a chance can you tell me if all the french chequered enamelware has a particular name? I thought you might know as you have loads of it! I'm jealous! Bluebird xxx

  12. I want to move right in!! Your house is so darling.


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