I would like to wish all of my followers, friends and aquaintences...
The Bestest Christmas Ever.
 You have all supported me through thick and thin this year and I really do appreciate it...You all Rock! Thank you all for stopping by and reading my blog, whether you leave a comment or not...I appreciate your interest :)
 I have added these pictures of the decorations in my Dining Room...where the 'hopefully Happy Household (haha! it is Christmas!) will be having our Chrimbo lunch.
 We have bought everything totally prepared this year...from the brussels to the potatoes, with a turkey crown, so it will not be ages in the oven...and hopefully all eaten and cleared away by 2 o'clock so we can be sitting down for the Queen's Speech (love it).
I hope you like the pictures and I shall look forward to blogging again next week to wish you all a Happy New Year...meanwhile have a good Chrimbo :)
 ...and if you have relations coming over that you just can't stand, remember to slip a couple of measures of the 'spirit of Chrimbo' in their drinks...to lighten them up a little! lol! (I said nuffin')
 Well goodbye for now my lovelies....
 I will be thinking of you all...
Happy Christmas from Happy, Freddy, Daz, Rosie & Max xxx



  1. Merry Christmas to you Happy and all your family!

    Victoria xxx

  2. Have a fab Christmas and a very happy new year x x x x

  3. ooh, another batch of yummy photos!

    merry christmas! x

  4. Merry Christmas to you and all your family.
    Thank you so much for all the interesting posts and photos on your blog. There is always something interesting and fun to read or see.
    Enjoy your festive feast! :)

  5. Happy Christmas to you & yours :)

    I'll think of you at 3pm - bigging up blightly & all its wonderfulness yet again :)

  6. I look forward to following along and seeing all your fun!

    Happy Christmas! ♥

  7. A very Happy Merry Christmas to you and your family, Rosie. I am one of those that always reads but doesn't usually comment...but I love visiting this little piece of Blog Heaven. You always make me smile with your cheery pictures and love of life! xo Diana

  8. Very festive, have a lovely Christmas.

  9. Always leave your colorful blog with a smile...happy holidays to you too!

  10. Wonderful photographs.
    Hope you have a very Happy Christmas.
    Carol xx

  11. I adore your home its gorgeous. Have a wonderful xmas, dee xx

  12. A very merry christmas to you and your family, Lucey x

  13. Greetings to you too! Hope your Christmas has been quiet and joyful and wishing you all the best for the new year. Clara.

  14. You make me smile and that's the bestest gift ~ thanks! Wishing you and yours a wonderful Christmas and exciting New Year!

  15. Oh... your house looks like so much fun!! Thank you so much for the Molly Makes magazine. I finally had time to sit and read it today. Hopefully I'll have time to make something from it soon.
    Happy New Year from all the way over here on the west coast of the USA!!

  16. Your Home always has such a Cheerful Vibrant Energy to it... what a Lovely Bright Happy Christmas you have Created in your Home, so welcoming and visually inspiring!

    Happy New Year from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

  17. I LOVE your wonderful blog!!!
    I could look at your fabulous photos all day :0)
    Help I think I might be a bit addicted - LOL!!
    I am your new follower,
    Vicky xxx

  18. Amei a decoração vintage de natal!!Liiiinda!
    Amo vintage também e aos poucos, vou redecorando minha casa também...amo as cores vermelho com verde ou vermelho com azul...rs
    Feliz 2012!

  19. A lovely, charming blog. The pictures drag you in as they are warm and friendly looking.


Thanks for leaving a comment...I really do appreciate your kind words xx