Well a couple of posts ago, I showed you how I had re-arranged my kitchen and painted all the shelves...well what I didn't show you was how we have covered the kitchen cupboard doors in white sticky backed plastic! {I bought this from Wilkinsons...but it is available on ebay ;)}
...and what a transformation...you see I am trying to do this on a very tight budget...what with heating bills and the cost of living totally gone through the roof, I wanted a new look without a major expense...the sticky backed plastic was £5.00 a roll and I bought 3 rolls...
...and the cost of the white paint was totally free, as I have become a member of FREECYCLE in my area.  I asked for some white paint in the summer...and to my surprise a lovely lady in the next town offered me a large tin of exterior matt...well since then I have painted quite a few surfaces with it...including my kitchen shelves.

All the rest of the kitchen is a snippet of our vintage French enamel and shabby cottage collectables...apart from the washing up bowl...we had to have a new red one, which cost £2.00, I think that was from Wilkinsons.

So the total cost of this happy kitchen make-over was £17.00...what a bargain!...see it just shows you what you can do, when you put your mind to it...or should I say! when you get your mojo back! lol!

PS...we have a new fridge...hence it looks a bit bare at the moment..the other one died on us :(


  1. Looks just gorgeous, really bright and cheery. I love it!xxx

  2. 'Tis true, you can do virtually anything with a little creative thought, this is so fab!! xx

  3. Hi just stumbled across you blog. Your kitchen looks lovely. All the shelves look like lovely shop displays. I was thinking oooo I could buy something from here. Really fab. Well done.
    Lyndsey xx

  4. Love your makeover,especially your covered doors,looks fab
    XX Manda XX

  5. It looks amazing! Well done you for spending £17! bargain! Sue x

  6. Hello Happy!

    Wow, it was worth the wait....so amazingly lovely! It's cheered up my day no end!

    Have a great weekend!

    Love Melx

  7. It looks so bright and happy - my kind of kitchen!

  8. So pretty! congrats!
    could you just tell me where you found the plastic paper rolls?
    love and bonne journée!

  9. Sticky back plastic? Don't you just love Blue Peter? Your kitchen is just gorgeous; bright and pretty and sweet and cheerful. And that's a really lovely red kettle. Tea? Yes please, I'd love a cup.

  10. How fun it must be to get up every morning and enjoy your breakfast in your cheery little kitchen! Great prices as well.
    Thanks for sharing a glimpse into your pretty new spiffed-up space! :)

  11. Oh Happy!! It is beautiful!! Really..it just looks grand! There's nothing like paint to spruce up a room!! It's Happy!!

  12. What a happy imagine indeedy, I adore all your french enamel and the colours theme....just shows you doesn't it? You don't need lots of pennies, just imagination and style!
    nattie x

  13. wow! is this heaven? I want to bake muffins and strawberry vanilla cupcakes here, lovely and adorable !


  14. Ooo Happy, it's looking fabulous. Well done!
    Jo :)

  15. Love your kitchen redo. So vibrant and interesting!

  16. This is GOOOOOOOOOORGEOUS. I'll go nuts about this wonderful kitchen

    Jumpin' joyful greetings :))

  17. What an amazing, cheerful, uplifting kitchen! I adore it. XO Helena

  18. oh my godness...it's not the first time I read your blog, because, it's a pleasure to "be" here...
    And your kitchen it's heaven,yes !!!

    sorry for my bad language, school is far far away from me

  19. A happy happy kitchen!
    Just my taste:)

  20. The kitchen looks amazing!!!! Love it! :-)

  21. What a sweet kitchen, you could never be in a bad mood with so much cheeriness

    Love it


  22. Great job! What a cozy kitchen. I love all the colours, there is so much to see!

  23. Just saw this on flickr and had to run over here to say hi! What a beautiful kitchen, lovely & so colorful! xo Karen

  24. I absolutely love it! I'm ready to move in. LOL

  25. Oh my gosh. This is just amazing. I just discovered your blog and I'm absolutely flashed by these pictures. Just great. I'd love a kitchen like this - but I guess a certain male person living with me would just call it "kitsch" and that's it. ;-) So I'll leave it at looking at these pics...

  26. Now this makes me smile and yes , yes it makes me oh so happy! very cheerful...and inspirational! PS I wish you would put the follow me on bloglovin on your side bar--this way I get updates on people's blogs all in one letter instead of getting single letters from each blogger--it makes it easier to follow.

  27. ps--I love the checkered tea cozy--do you know where I can get one or the pattern?

  28. just makes ya smile....xoxoxoxo

  29. It's such a happy space! What issue blue and white checkered material that you put down on your countertops?


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