My Rosie has coloured my hair bright red today (friday) and I love it...I have always wanted to go this BRIGHT RED, but was worried about the damage to my hair...but these days the dye, conditions as well as colours, so it was very safe indeedy!
 It was a long process, it took all day, I coloured Rosie's hair too, she showed me how to do it and now I feel like I am a fully qualified hairdresser! lol! I have always said that I was a hairdresser in another life! :D

Have you done anything totally audacious lately! we would love to hear about it :)

Have a Happy weekend peeps...


Thankyou all sooo much for your lovely comments :)...I must admit I am so glad that I finally found the courage to go ahead and have it done!  W
hilst I was out at the weekend...about a dozen people said how much they loved it and that made me feel brill! :))

I also forgot to show you Rosie's hair...since I have been writting this blog she has had blonde hair (her natural colour) black hair, brown hair and now this....

What a pair we are eh! I thought I was adventurous going from blonde to brown to red! but I have nothing on her! she is only 17! :)

Speak soon my luverlies xxx



  1. Gorgeous color on you, you are quite attractive chick . Nice to have someone help with the process of changing the color.

  2. you rock the colour, chickie!
    Love it!
    Love, from Holland

  3. Absolutely love it!! It's a gorgeous shade.
    Nothing so audacious from me...I did tell a local MP that he didn't know what he was talking about last week, but I don't think that's audacious at all!

  4. That looks wonderful!
    Julie xxxxxx

  5. Its amazing how a new colour can make you feel, like a new woman, my battle with the grey eventually went to me going blonde which I have never regretted, your hair looks fab!

  6. It suits you so much and it goes with your lipstick, Lucey x

  7. I dyed mine red a couple of years ago and loved it. Going from blonde to red was quite a change! Enjoy your new look. x

  8. Love the red hair! I used to have true red highlights through my hair years ago and it is always my favourite hair style/colour.

    Victoria xx

  9. Ha! Love it!! I did mine at the beginning of the year but not that red, I was scared!!!!! and I'm older than you! It's such fun, hee! hee! have a happy weekend xxx

  10. It looks fantastic and you really suit it! Love the style too. I once dyed my hair that very colour and I loved it too ~ got stopped in the street more than once.
    Kandi x

  11. I always admired Mrs. Jonathan Ross's hair, but have never been brave enough are rocking it!!!
    The most audacious thing I have done of late....ummm.... yellow nail varnish?!!!! Think I need to work on it...............
    Nattie x

  12. Hey Hey!
    It looks wonderful on you!
    Well done for being so daring!
    It brings out the blue in your eyes too!
    Rachel x

  13. You look like you have dropped a ton of weight - stunning!

    Noticed you have started blogging prolofically - whatever you are taking, send me some honey x

  14. Wow - now that is red.. My friend had the same for her wedding! :)

  15. You go, girl. Love the rockn' of the RED.

  16. Wow well done you, it looks amazing.


  17. Now that is RED. You look marvelous!

  18. I love the colour, you can never be too red in my book. Great things will happen to you now.... welcome to red world xx

  19. Love the colour very Bold bit like yourself ;)

  20. Looove it. I actually started thinking about a tattoo again after yours, I haven't colored my hair but once in 3 years since my son was born, so maybe I can start with that! You look like a retro superwoman! Georgeous!

  21. Hej Happy Loves Rosie
    I LOVE your hair colour!
    I have been thinking about going this colour for like the last 5/6 years NEVER have I been brave enough...hmmm shall I shall n't I?
    Very inspiring
    LOVE PEACE enJOY The wonderful hair colour

  22. You and Rosie are both so sweet and cute you can wear any color you like it suits you.

  23. I love it on both of you. My daughter is is love with a mummy from her school who has long pink hair. She does look amazing with it. xx

  24. Love it :D I had the same colour last year but had to give it up due to how much it was costing me to redye every week!
    Hair dye is very safe now :) by 16 i'd been every single hair colour available and I certainly haven't grown out of it, having pink hair now!


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