Last week I received an email from Cath Kidston's Head Office to ask for my address!  You see as they are celebrating the Royal Wedding with plenty of GAWJUSS souvenirs!...(Cath is all about 'Bigging Up Blighty' too! Doesn't she just ROCK!)

....They wanted to send me something, saying that I was one of their favourite blogs!...I had to read he email a few times before it finally sunk in!
Me! Little 'ole me! are you sure!
The next day I was positive that I had dreamt such fame!...
As I seem to be going a little CrAzY during this Menopausal thang!...memory loss, hot sweats...'now what did I come in here for!' lol you know the kinda thing!
So I had to read the email over and over!
....and then on Thursday morning...there it was sitting on the mat!
It wasn't a dream after all! It was for real!

No-one is allowed to touch this tea-towel...Rosie wanted to use it the other day! but I can't bring myself to! as it is a real compliment for me...Thank you so much to everyone at CK Head Office...You have really made my year!...I think I might have to make a collage out of it and hang it on the wall :)(teatowel in one piece of course!):))

So here at Happy Loves Rosie I have created some lovely buttons for you to add to your blog to celebrate this 'Big Up Blighty' Royal Event! CLICK HERE or on the button above to choose from a selection of six Royal Wedding Buttons.

Have a Grrrrreat Sunday Gals & Guys x



  1. I think it is sweet that Will and Kate are getting married on my birthday. Makes little ol' me feel special.

  2. Thats great! Congrats. I love your blog, and all your adorable free buttons, thanks heaps for sharing them

  3. Oh ROSIE! How incredibly exciting! CAth Kidston LOVES YOU!!! That's just amazing! I'd be as excited as you are! And a royal wedding to boot? Could anything be more perfect?!?!

    Congrats, my menopausal friend! I shall have a midnight fan and a cool drink in your honor!

  4. No way you`re going through the menopause! You look far too young!What a very clever lady you are to be awarded for your talents by the esteemable CK! Well done you. I love all of your buttons. Would it be ok to grab a couple of them?Good Sunday to you too, Happy. x

  5. What a fantastic thing to happen! (She say's green with envy lol!!) I have already got my Royal wedding button from you on my blog - thank you so much. Sue x

  6. wow huge congratulations! and very due! is there a Cath Kidston blog? I am a huge fan too
    Heather x

  7. Oh that's sooo exciting for you Happy!!!! & very well deserved. :-)
    Thank you for the great wedding button, I have already added it to my blog, just under your beautiful Easter button.

  8. I'm not surprised they said you were one of their favourites, your blog is absolutely AMAZING. I have spent many hours looking at it. Your life looks so wonderful! well done!! Love Jessica and Evie xox

  9. That is soooo exciting! I'm so happy for you! Now if you could just get that last minute wedding invitation huh? Today is my birthday and I asked mu husband to pleease get me something I really wanted this year, something from your shop!

  10. Yesss! I love Cath Kidston's Royal Wedding stuff!! Emjoy your tea-towel. M&S have some great memorabilia biscuit tins... I am becoming obsessed!! xxx

  11. Your "fame" doesn't surprise me. We love you over here in the States. Your blog makes us Happy:)

  12. Fabulous towel. I LOVE it! I love your blog so much... I am not surprised by your fame!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Oh! That is so cute and how nice that they like your blog....I do too!

  15. Well done Happy, you deserve their attention you have a fab site which is why I came to you for my designxxx

  16. wow how wonderful for you what a gorgeous thing to happen for you i am so pleased ;-)) Enjoy it, dee x

  17. That is awesome, but well deserved! They knew you would treasure it and share your joy with us all.
    I also wanted to say a huge thank you for my giveaway parcel, which arrived while I was away for a few days. I am thrilled. My DD who is about to move into her new home and also entered was immediately eyeing up my goodies and I have given in and let her choose ONE thing!. Thank you again.
    Jenny xx

  18. Wow! How special!
    There will be a little Royal slumber party going on over on this side of the ocean next sister and I had a Royal slumber party at our grandmother's when Charles and Diana wed, so we thought it only fair to carry on the tradition with our girls and THEIR grandmother. Cheers to the happy couple!

  19. Oh my gosh!!! well done you Happy!! Thanks for the Easter wishes and I love yer photo:) love the tatoo, very Happy:)

    Cool idea with the knitting needle holder down on the blog below.!!

    Now off to pinch myself a wedding thingy watsit:)
    michelle x


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