I thought I would show you some of my recent bargains that I have placed in and around my home lately....Firstly (above) is a pretty little diamonte crown brooch that I have pinned on my favourite vintage dutch dolly...you see, my local charity shop was having a 'retro week' and luckily I managed to get there just as they were opening...and as they say! 'The early bird gets the worm'!
Also I have been out and about in Town...we have quite a few £1 stores there, which is great for toiletries and medicines...
only the other day I picked up a load of medicine for the 'orrible flu that has run through all of us....I am the last one to get it and I have been coughing for England and sleeping around the clock lately! my nose is soooo sore! it feels like it is going to 'drop off' any minute!lol!

What I did manage to get when I was out and before I took ill was those lovely 'tacky' flowers above left piccy...I have two bunches in that jug....I paid £2.00 for the jug in a charity shop and £1.00 each for the flowers in a shop called 'Mighty Pound' which I so love going into!  Its like you have  been dropped into Moscow about 20 years ago!  They have things there like furry toilet seats!!!  and the tackiest ornaments...which you wouldn't pick for 1 bingo win! lol!  but amoungst the tat! there is some lovely 'happy tacky' pieces that I can never leave behind! and these flowers are amoungst them :)
I have collected quite a few pieces from there lately and I will be hosting a give-away as soon as I am better again!...don't worry gals...I have picked some lovely bits and pieces and its not just from 'Mighty Pound'...phew I can hear you all sigh!...the pieces are from other shops that I frequent...I have had quite a ball! collecting the bits and bobs!

Also I picked up that rather beautiful make-up bag (above) and soooo Cath Kidston in style! from Primark  Primarni! well we call it that anyway! lol! that was a bargain at only £4.00!
Also at the Charity shop Retro week....I bagged this towelling apron pinny and retro lamp...you can actually unscrew the base of it and replace the flower with another or something else! which is soooooo faberooni! don't you think!

Freddy managed to get my valentines cards on Ebay (above) which I cannot bare to put away....he bought me quite a few, as I love the older cards, rather than the new varieties!  This one will stay out forever I think! and placed on top of our new cupboard....it sure looks swell!   

I'll be in touch again soon my luverlies, sorry its been a little while! but as soon as I have shaken off this terrible cold...I'll be back with my give-away :)

Speak soon,


  1. Oh I love all your finds and how you set them all together to photograph. I would leave that sweet Valentine out all the time too. Get well fast sweetie!

  2. You have some beautiful things well done on your lovely finds. I have to say i adore that lime green lamp and with the retro lampshade it looks amazing great colour combination. I have the same blue jug as you but mine is in green and your roses look lovely in it. What a beautiful card to i wouldn't be able to put that away either. I hope you start to feel better real soon, take care, dee x

  3. Feel better soon! That nasty flu is over on our side of the big pond too (Canada).
    Love your finds!
    The lamp with the refillable base is so fun! I think you should fill it with hundreds of loverly vintage buttons or spools of thread or jellybeans!

  4. Love these finds, happy happy things! :-)

  5. Great finds, Loving the lamp esp! Also good on the CS Retro week, gotta love that. Scarlett x

  6. Gorgeous finds! I love Pound shops...the kitsch that comes out of them is endless and luckily not many other people seem to want it. I always get my tacky flowers from there and picture frames! xxx

  7. LOve what you found! I'm of to the nearest thriftshop.. hope to do some great finds to!

  8. Liking your new tattoo, cool.

  9. I love all your bargains! They are really nice!

    Hope you'll have a nice day from me in Sweden!

  10. Love the jug with the flowers, i'll be doing a lot of the same when I move. I'll be living in an old market town with plenty of antique shops, the best one is over 4 floors and is packed to the rafters with goodies, and all affordable! x

  11. Ahhhhhh I have that same wash bag!!!! Bought last week!

  12. Great finds as usual! Your Valentine's card is adorable,

    Victoria xx

  13. Oh! Some of those things bring back lovely memories of my childhood. Sigh...I just love thinking back on those times. They were pretty wonderful.

  14. I love all your finds, the card is so cute no wonder you don't want to take it down and the case from Primark is great and so cheap! I need one :)

    Bee happy x
    Have a delicious day!

  15. You scored some great treasures.....absolutely love your blog!


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