Well! I talked the talk!...and probably bored you all senseless! lol!
So yesterday!...As it was our 25th Anniversary of when we first met.
(Freddie and I met on Valentines Day in 1986.....ah bless! :D)

 I decided to walk the walk! So yesterday!...we popped into a tattoo shop in Chatham/Rochester High Street...I picked the tattoo I wanted and yep it was out of a book! something I said I was never going to do! lol!....then suddenly PANIC! they only had a couple of hours in the afternoon where they could fit me in!!!!

So Freddie paid them a deposit and I was all set for 3.15! YiKeS!

As we left the Tattoo Parlour (Parlour! I love that word!) I started to get pretty nervous and nearly started to chicken out!...but Fred kept me on my feet and explained that it was the most perfect day to go through with it and how it was a present from him so I couldn't back out now!

So I did go through with it.....(even though my knees were knocking together from beginning to end! lol!.....And here it is in full wonderful colour...
My wonderful Happy Loves Rosie tattoo, on the top of my left arm! of course I had to have it a little different from the transfer picture...just a tweak here and there!

It is very sore at the moment, not to mention when the lovely Martin from Medway Tattoo was creating it...Phew! don't it sting!...

Anyway I still want more! as it wasn't a pain that I wouldn't be able to put up with again....Yes gals and guys! More 1950's style Rockabilly tattoos for me :D....we'll why not!

What do you think my lovely bloggers?



  1. I LOVE IT,,it is so you..good job..I was 45 when I got mine,,if you look in my pictures on facebook you can see it,,good job..

  2. Its fabulous! totally you and what a fab way to commemorate the day! watch out though it can get addictive!

  3. Looks as good on the web as it does in the flesh, well done my brave little hillbilly, happy anniversary, heres to another 25 years, love you forever, freddy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  4. Well done you and Fred! I have a passion for tattoo's, I have quite a few now and at 43 am past caring what anyone thinks! lol (Check out my blog for some of mine) A really lovely way to celebrate 25 'Happy' years together. Congratulations. Sue x

  5. Love it!! Well done for being brave, I was freaked out about getting my first one done. Scarlett x

  6. Congratulations. That is one pretty tatoo. I don't have any, but I really like yours, and such a perfect sentiment too.

  7. Ohhhh Happy!!!
    I am so so excited for you!! Yeah really...it is about time girl!!!! haha!! You have been tattoo gaga forevs!!

    This is perfect!! And you know....even cooler that you picked it out of a book of flash!! Sooo old school!!!

    I love imagining you and Fred walking around ..popping into a tattoo parlour....too fun!!!

    Happy new tattoo to you!!!!

    Here's to a new addiction...I'm betting! haha!

    xoxo Jenny

  8. Love it! Happiness is a new tattoo....xxx

  9. Looks fab - bet you're glad you took the plunge. Here's to No2 ;)

  10. Congratulations, Happy! It looks fantastic!

  11. It's really beautiful, I love it! It's worth all that discomfort, just remember don't pick when it starts scabbing ~ it's so hard not to! :)
    Kandi x

  12. It is cute! Vintage is best. Hurray for you.

  13. I am so impressed! I wonder if I would have chickened out....I think so! Oh, my. I love it. ~Kelly


  14. welcome to the club - it hurts but it's a buzz?!! im of for number four next week... x yours looks lovely x

  15. Congrats to you and yours-25 years! And I admire the tattoo very much, I don't think I could ever be so brave!

  16. Wow....impressive! That's a pretty Tattoo! And happy belated Valentine's Day!!!

  17. It's PERFECT and so YOU! What a brilliant way to celebrate. Good ol' Fred for cajoling you :) I've got an F*** You tattoo on my foot. Not the actual F word, you know, but a koi carp which represents courage in the face of adversity. I got it when I got fired from my job as a PA in 2009 and vowed never to work in the corporate world again lol. Keep smiling Happy!

  18. I absolutely LOVE it. I'm so proud of you for going through with getting it. I decided on mine spur of the moment as well. And it's so ture, it doesn't hurt/sting like one would think therefore they can become addicting! LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!!!

  19. Luuuurve It! SO brave girlie! I want to know what Fred is going to get? Only right , eh? ;-) When I was in college I used to work for a company that did very elaborate facepainting, not like the kind for kiddos. Full masks, even tatoos. I found the skin to be a very wonderful medium. I have often thought of ditching my safe career and wildly becoming a tattoo artist! I'm so excited for you! Happy Anniversary!

  20. I love it and yes it is so you,(as far as I know you) Its vintage pretty...I always wanted one and now you have inspired me.Love it.

  21. What a beautiful vintage style Tattoo, I love it. I have been contemplating getting another one... the only one I have was done over 30 years ago. I see so many gifted Artists and their work is so amazing that I wouldn't mind sporting a piece even at this Season of life. *winks* You go girl... I have heard that it can become addictive!!!

    Dawn... The Bohemian

  22. Love it, love it!! How gorgeous it is on you...a perfect fit!
    What a fantastic memorable day you have had.
    Kiss Noises Linda

  23. It looks very very pretty!! And so meaningful, it is great! Regards Ebru

  24. awww its perfect for you, and i adore the blue on it, it really stands out and its really delicate and pretty. I had a little turtle for my 30th on my tummy i took it off my sons babygrow and thats special to me. enjoy yours you will always remember today as a magical one, dee x

  25. Congrats! Once you realise that they don't really hurt much you keep going back for more! This is why i now have four with many more to come! I've been looking for a vintage style heart/rose tattoo to celebrate my recent getting hitched, i'll have to keep this one for inspiration!
    Freckles xxx

  26. I do believe you are fabulous!

  27. I love it! You're very brave :)

  28. I love it!

    I have been thinking about getting a small one myself either on my wrist or on my shoulder, can't decide.

    Bee happy x

  29. That turned out really pretty.

  30. Well, this old grandma's opinion is:
    It's very pretty and suits you nicely!!

  31. Tats seem to be the thing with this generation, in mine they were not. But things change and I am so happy for you Happy that you got what you wanted. It's quite beautiful and very colorful.

  32. I love it!!! and I love tattoos for myselfe as well and I will never get enough :-)

  33. How beautiful!! I always tease I'm going to get one like Daniel Day-Lewis's on his right arm!! Lori

  34. i have awarded you with a stylish blog award on my latest post.

  35. LOVE IT!!It turned out Beautiful♥♥

  36. Oh Happs it's gorgeous!! perfectly you, so glad you got one in the end, I love the colours and can't wait to see your next one! ;0)

  37. Ooo lovely, what a fab way to remember that day :) x


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