I just sooooo lurrrrve the Toast catalogue....although these pics are from a catalogue I
received before Christmas...
They inspire me no end....

I have been meaning to blog about them for ages now....
I lurve the way it has been photographed...
The colours...all my favourite things but with a new colour twist!
The fashion and design...
I even owned a top like this (or very similar) in the 1980's except mine was from a collection by Yohji Yamamoto.
I love the shabby feel of the walls...more shabby walls coming soon! I love shabby walls...don't think my landlord would be very happy though if I started doing that kinda thing here ;)
....the nautical theme.....you cant beat it!...can you smell the fresh air! hmmmm!
the totallllllly eclectic sofa...oh I so want to cover one like this!...its sooo twee, but delightfully inspiring!
all pics from The Toast catalogue

More shabby walls.... and suitcases for a bedside table...yes we have seen this before but somehow it looks soooo faberooni in this setting! Phew! did I really say FABEROONI! lol!

Who has inspired you lately ?



  1. lovely, lots of inspiration.

  2. I LOVE Toast too. Do you like their Homeware range? It's totally yummy.

    Kind o shabby but with a pretty smart edge. I like it lots!


  3. thanks gals :)

    sarah - I sooo know what you mean...their homewares are so scrummy a kind of 'earthy scrummy'
    oh! we know what we mean eh!

    Love ya both and thanks for commenting :)

    Love Happs xx

  4. I am coverting the red satchel in the first picture - I need that !!

  5. Oh I never heard of toast before, will have to check it out :) Thanks for sharing

    All things nice...

  6. I love that Beanie Snow hat as a tea cozy...do you know how many I have that I dont wear...new project! I would love to get some Toast over here in the U.S.A. I swear your catalogs come out and then a year later the trend shows up over here...Thanks Happy!

  7. I'm with you on Toast Happy, love the bag....too cute!xx

  8. So do I! I love their styling and even if I can't afford a lot of it, I can take inspiration.xx

  9. Ah...I love the use of blue in all those photos! My fave. color ever! :)

    Ok-Ok, I don't usually pass these along, but I hate January so I thought it'd be fun to "play" and help spread some blog-love! In one of my recent posts, I nominated you for "The Stylish Blogger Award" which asks bloggers to post links to some of their favorite most recently discovered blogs, and YOU came to mind! :)

    If you'd like, you can write a post giving 7 facts about yourself and including the links to some of YOUR new favorites! Then leave them a comment which "passes" the award along! So, dust off your mantle and find a place for this shiny, new award! Love, H.

  10. i love it too. thanks for the info. i am on my way to finding more out about toast. i love when manufacturers and sellers understand using props that are eclectic and fun and yes...vintage. love it.
    happy new year

  11. I love the school satchel and the bedding. i havent seen ticking in years love it love it love it...

  12. These photos are the kind that really grab my attention also! Gives me new ideas of ways to photograph. Your blog is awesome.


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