Look what I have found lately on my travels around Blighty!
Some lovely silk red roses....
Fabulous retro cushions....
...and this lovely print!

What more could a gal want!....Very Elle Decoration eh!

What have you found lately...that you would like to share with us all :)


  1. We've been redoing our kitchen and now have some open shelves. I've been having a great time choosing what should go on there (and blogging about it too!). I've been especially thrilled with some Kilner jars I found at a little shop in Brighton. They are just the look I wanted - country but with a modern twist - plus exactly the right heright. Yay!

  2. Fab finds!!
    We are in the process of sorting out the house. Isn't it great when you find the perfect 'thing' to finish a room off!
    I am having a giveaway over at mine and would love for you to coe join in!

  3. Those roses look real, Happy!!

    The print is very much like one my Mum and Dad had when I was a child (not that long ago then!)

    Michelle x

  4. hey gorgeous, I was hoping you would be willing to take part in a Guest Blog feature I run on my blog

    Here's the link so you get the idea http://hellogorgeousdesign.blogspot.com/2010/09/twenty-question-tuesday.html
    it's the same 20 questions each week to different bloggers.

    If you are interested let me have your email address and I will forward the questions to you.

    Cheers gorgeous xxxx

  5. Oh what happy finds! A visit to your blog always puts me in such a cheerful mood.

    Sherry @ A Happy Valentine

  6. Big big smiles every time I vist you I've used one of your feebies to put on my blog. I really really need to pot on my own blog sometimes! I'd love to be able to put my own pictures as a header on blogger is it easy?? I'm going to go and have a mooch now and see what I can mess up. xxxxx

  7. Just stumbled across your blog and immediately fell in love as soon as I saw the colourful header (: Love those cushions, if only I had my own house...


Thanks for leaving a comment...I really do appreciate your kind words xx