Well my lovely girlies...what a fun day we had on Thursday....and the weather was wonderful...allbeit that we had sunny spells and clouds!....It was the perfect kinda weather for the most fabulous photoshoot indeedy!
Lizzy and Charlie arrived with an abundance of props, that they take to all their photoshoots....but alas it was not needed here at the 'Happy House' as we had every prop that they could possibly need! LOL!
I acted as Lizzies 'runner' :)....everything that she asked for, I had indoors! Apart from a red spotty teapot....which I later found when they had gone that evening! :)
The pictures, that they both created were wonderful....and just think, you will be able to buy them in a town near you, very soon indeed :)
Lizzie did use a few of her own props mind! She bought with her a multitude of fabulous blooms....red roses were amoungst them! (my favs!)...but there were also tulips and daisies and hollyhocks....infact a wonderful array of cottage blooms to dress a pretty photoshoot!
My Father-in-law and I made a makeshift awning, from this pretty vintage cover....I think we might keep it as a permanent feature!...as it feels soooo cosy sitting underneath it :)
Yum Yum eh! Yes Fred and I had our eyes on this wonderful cake all day,  our mouths were drooling!...and Lizzy did leave it with us, but after all the pampering it had had all day.....we decided against eating it! LOL!
Some folks decided to sit in the shade and guard the pretty flowers....
We got our vintage deckchairs out from the garage to give them an airing, complete with the lovely throws, blankets and cushions....that go together to make summer living cosy!
....and the pictures were taken in abundance...beautiful, colourful, pretty and inspirational piccies....I am sure they will make the perfect cards, cards that you will all love :)
Oh yes!....and you see this little 'tiger' above! well Charlie, decided to put him into a piccy too!...sitting in the caravan door! looking all sweet and innocent!...as if butter wouldn't melt and all that! hehehe!...well I suppose he is a perfect little westie!...well I would say that wouldn't I :)
Even though it was 'Garden Mayhem' for a good few hours...we all enjoyed ourselves immensley....sitting in the sun and eating cake and drinking tea, fetching and carrying...talking and laughing...it was a fabulous day indeedy!
I'd like to thank Liz and Charlie for choosing to come to our 'Happy House' and taking the lovely piccies that they did in our garden....

Of course I cannot show you them!....Otherwise, what would be the point of buying them!...but I can assure you, that when you see them in the shops....some time in June/July! you will love them...and know that they are the cards...taken at 'Happy's' House!
So until the next time my lovely gals....
I hope you are all having a lovely week...

Love Happy


  1. Love your little caravan so much, I want to live in it. It just seems like the place that you can go to nap, create, hide, and just relax. All the little details really make it special. Pictures are great. Enjoy the weekend and the nice weather.

  2. Sounds like you had a busy day, if I was there I would be totally distracted with all the pretties all around me :) Lovely images.

    All things nice...

  3. wow!!!!
    so sweet and so cool!!!

    love it!!!


  4. This is so exciting Happy!
    I love your blog, its so cheerful...and really makes my day!xxxx

  5. Oh how cool,,,and what fun,,,love all the pictures..thank you for sharing..

  6. I shall look out for these in the shops - if anyone sees them can they direct us all please.

  7. Ohhhh what a fun day and I cannot wait to see them !

  8. Such beautiful pictures!!! All those colours. So much to see! What a lovely collection of vintage items you have. I will definetely be buying the magazine to see more :-)!

    Lieve groet,


  9. Oh Happy, everything looks so gorgeous! Although I am afraid to admit, that even though you have such scrummy goodies, and all placed in such a way that everything looks devine, me being me, it is THAT CAKE!!! Ohhhhh I NEEEEEEEEEED a slice! hee hee.
    I think I will be buying the cards.


    I WILL be buying the cards! xxx

  10. Fabulous! Can't wait to see them in print! Cx

  11. Great pictures!
    You did a wonderful job on them!! Keep up the work!!

  12. Ho, how wonderful to have your house and now your caravan in a magazine, its always been a little yearning of mine to have my house in a magazine! mind you your house is lab and so vibrant, so no surprises your featured, bestest wishes,Linda.

  13. How fun and exciting! The pictures are gorgeous:)

  14. the last image is great !!

  15. These pics are fabulous!!!
    Your site always makes me HAPPY :D

  16. Hi!

    What a lovely happy and colourful blog you have! It's really amazing scrolling through it and find so many beautiful pictures. I will be back soon to see some more of it!


  17. Wow....just discovered your blog! What a happiness!

    Nice photoshoot!

    Lots of happy greetz,

  18. I love this post...if you pop over to my blog and go back a couple of posts you'll see why!! Lots of love, Amanda xxx

  19. Too cute! Everyone should have one in their backyard to escape to! :o)


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