McCall's Golden Make it Book 
Its the holidays and it also happens to be raining! Grrr! so I thought I would show you this recent find I had just recently at a vintage book shop...right from being a young gal - I loved to look at craft books and making things with my family was a memorable past time....This kinda activity is great, especially if you do not have alot of love your time and playing with them and crafting, is some of the best memories that you can give them :)  With this in mind I thought I would include some creativities in this book that will while away a rainy afternoon! :).

How to make vintage finger puppets
First up...finger puppets!...Now remember this book was printed in the day of tracing everything...I hope I have upoloaded the pages the right size for printing and making them....just photocopy onto thin card...or best and really to actually trace them and then they can be coloured in and decorated by your little luverlies :).
how to make paper helicopters
This also looks great and I chose it because I am sure it will apeal to all ages.

making animals out of towels
...and this last one...making cute toys out of towels...I thought would be great for kids that don't like to bath LOL!

Have fun!

Love Happy


  1. Such sweet images from days gone by. Thanks for showing us.

  2. How fun, I must try a few of them!

  3. What a fun book. I enjoy doing retro crafts with my children. I also like childrens cookbooks. Thanks for the post!

  4. LOVE IT!!!! hee heee I'm off to try out the rabbit right now (oooer)


  5. I particularly love the towel thingy. I don't think I'll try it when my 4 year old granddaughter is here though - she's a bit of a neat freak and wouldn't want to spoil the animals!

  6. Sweet book! I think my boys would like to make the helicopters....they enjoy dropping things from high places..just to see what happens.. :-)
    Hope you are having joy in what you do today!

  7. this is just too cool! what a great find!

  8. hey gorgeous, I remember when we went to North Wales for the holidays it always rained...but I guess that's one of the reasons I LOVE the beach in the rain! ;o)

    Hope you're having a good day!


    hello gorgeous xxxx
    p.s. I have a blog sale x

  9. OOOOOh! I have an older edition of that book that I received when I was about 9 or 10. Let's just say it is more than 50 years old!! It has the very same pictures in it. I use to have so much fun trying to make all the things inside. I bugged my poor Mom to death asking for materials. I still have it, but it looks well used. I use to just sit for hours and look at it and dream about all the things I would make. Thanks for the memories.

  10. OMG, I used to have that book and it was a huge influence on my making and inspired me to try all kinds of making too.

    thanks for bringing a smile to my face

    I wonder if my mum still has it????


  11. OH, what fun! Thanks for sharing....reminds me of a book I had as a kid. :)


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