Well gals, here we are with a week to go until Christmas Day...doesn't time fly when you are having fun! I actually said that I wouldn't go mad this year...but I still seem to find myself out and about! and in a PANIC!....This morning we woke up to a blanket of snow...and 'blighty' is not very good at coping with these kind of conditions, listening to the news, the weather men were advising not to go out at all!....and driving Rosie to work we realised that most people had decided to take that advice....it was very treacherous on the roads, but seeing as we were out, I took this opportunity to get a few more presents at the shopping centre, as there was hardly anyone out shopping!

As you know over the weeks we have been picking up vintage decorations and someone mentioned the other day about the fairy (HERE)(above above!)....if she was ok being there and not on top of the Christmas tree, well this got me a thinking and whilst we were out the other day, we spotted these darling friends for her.....the spotty mouse, knitted angel, hangy Father Christmas and the one eyed deer...which I just couldn't resist!...I am much happier now! as, although they all look rather crowded up there...at least she now has some company  ;)

Also lately I have noticed that bottle brush Christmas trees are fetching a fortune on ebay!...well these little goodies (pictured above) we found in the 99p store! Yes Gals...I paid 99p for all 3! What a bargain eh! 

This little tree was also found last week, we also bought a red one too!...More bargain charity shop finds!...

During the week my Secret Santa arrived! Thankyou sooooo much Teresa :)...I must say that I havn't opened it yet as I want to keep it for Christmas day...I love surprises :) I hope you don't mind honey, but once I have opened it and all, I will blog about it, thats for sure :)

As I have said before, we have been busy making pressies and all! and although it has been Freddies responsibility to make the cards this year!....he has only managed to make two so far...but they are sooo lovely...the one above is for his parents...which is more of a wall hanging than a card....isn't it beautiful!...I told him, only the other day that he should get some business cards made up to offer his services as a professional card maker....as he seems to have such an artistic flair :)

 ...And the one tucked behind the ' raisins' tin is for my Mum....the designs are really lovely, but I am not sure how many more he is going to make, but I hope he does, as it will be a pleasure to send them :)

More vintage bauble finds and a little ebay purchase...The colours are lovely aren't they!

But the best thing to of happened this week....was our lovely son Daz, wanting to come home and spend the month with us, initially he was only going to come home for a few days over christmas!..but the other day he rang us up and asked if he could come home now!....its been lovely having him home....and learning about everything that he has been upto!...Its a bit cramped here, but we are all having a great time and that is the main thing eh....that's what Christmas is all about eh! spendng time with good friends and family....I wouldn't want it any other way ;)

Have a lovely weekend and I'll catch up with you all next week....We might go out tomorrow and build a snowman and take some piccies of the christmas lights around here...so that will be something to look out for...

Love Happy x


  1. Its lovely to have all the family home for Christmas. I love your decorations and I cannot wait to see your snowman

  2. How lovely it must be to have your Son home for christmas!
    Love all your Christmas finds too, those little trees are pretty!
    How good are you keeping your Secret Santa gift for Christmas day!

  3. Hi Happy.... glad that the parcel has arrived.. always a bit worried at this time of year.. good girl for not opening!... I hope you like!... i'm loving the house, it looks fab.. and how lovely that all the family home for christmas.
    enjoy Tx

  4. I managed to get those 99p bottle brush trees, mine were hot pink, silver and green ones. I wish I'd bought more.

  5. Hi Happy,
    Make a cup of tea and join me live at Brympton Towers. So much has developed this year and when you've caught up I need to speak to you about an adorable idea of linking your glorious creative house with renaissancegrace.com we are having a row of exquisite shops to pop into belonging to fellow bloggers and I would love to promote your creativity and style. have a chat
    Happy xmas my dears Susanxx

  6. I love your style! Gorgeous and extreme happy!!

  7. Hope you have all had a lovely weekend despite the snow!

  8. How lovely it must be to have your Son home for christmas!

    Work from home India

  9. Lovely to have family around at Christmas. Loving those baubles on the cake stand and those 99p bargain trees...lucky find!

  10. oh oh, I just love your blog, I used to visit it but took a break from blogging and I have just come back and reminded myself how lovely it is.
    I can't wait to catch up x

  11. Happy you are so restrained not opening your Secret Santa pressie!!!

    With had more snow today and literally the town is at standstill... it's madness!

    Victoria xx

  12. I love the way you have not forgotten your parents and you continually celebrate their memory.
    Wishing you CoMfOrT & jOy!
    LiBBy BuTTons

  13. My mum still has the fairy to go on top of the tree, her wings a little bashed but matches your one!
    Happy Christmas in the Rosie household.
    Karen x


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