blog pics sunday 126, originally uploaded by HAPPY LOVES ROSIE.

Hello Gals...As you all know I have had trouble with my computer just lately and it went off to the 'Tech Guys' the other day....well it was back in no time, only to have everything wiped off of it! Hmmm! anyway at least it is working now! (touch wood!)
Right! so now I have the painstaking job of loading everything (thank goodness I had saved all my pictures!) back onto it seems I have a new disk! so I have lost everything....and each day I am realising how much work I have to do, just  to reload everything back onto it...

I have also realised that all my email contacts are now missing....yes! everyone of you that has emailed me in the past has been deleted off! please please please! if you have ever emailed me or left a comment in the last year...could you just drop me a little line - so that I can have your email addresses back again! This time I have set an email account up in googlemail, so that I will not loose you all, if it ever happens again :)

You can still email me, on my profile page (there is a link there) but I would be very grateful if you could email me here :) as well just the once - as this is the new address where I can keep you all safe :)

Thanks for all your help and I am so sorry if you are waiting for a reply from me....

Thanks, Love Happy x


  1. How cute is that picture?
    Double cute!!!!!!

  2. I was in the same boat as you a few months back and it is a total pain in the arse, isn't it as it takes ages to reload everything! A separate hard drive is a god send and makes life much easier for me now! x

  3. oh my g..,thats a dissaster...
    may i please juse(?) some off your xmas pics to promote your lovely blog in holland? Please??

    your biggest fan from holland!

  4. How frustrating to lose everything. I've moved to online email for the very same reason. TTFN :o)

  5. What a disAAAAARster!!! Craig Revel Horwood would say.
    Think I better start saving NOW!
    Have a good weekend.


  6. awww I am so sorry you lost everything xxx

  7. Happy!
    My computer is being repaired.. and I cant email from my sons for some weird reason.. but heres my email address..
    hugs and happy weekend!

  8. Hi Happy!!!
    Glad to have your computer back-- no matter how much work it may cause. It is like a right arm isn't it, you know just how much you use it when you can't??!

  9. Hello Happy,

    Stumbled upon your blog through my friend Brenda. I absolutely love your's so chock full of fav. I will no doubt come and visit fact, I think I'll put you on my side bar so I don't lose you. Come and visit me and experiences the adventures of Happy n' Bunny...sounds like a vaudeville


  10. Sorry you lost most of your work. Mine was wiped clean once too, but nothing was saved! Ugh

  11. Hi Happy
    I have just ventured into Blogland (you've been an inspiration). I would like to show you as one of my favourite blogs, is that OK? I am taking my first tiny steps in this world and don't want to do anything wrong. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a colourful New Year.

  12. j'adore ton blog (je l'ai déjà dit je crois !) j'ai travaillé à Londres 2 ans quand j'avais 20 ans (j'en ai 42) et j'adore l'Angleterre... j'aime les couleurs pétillantes de ton blog et tout ce qui s'y trouve ! un gros coup de coeur !!!!!!


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