Tagliatelli spaghetti (1 fresh 250g packet serves 4)

1 leek chopped, Bacon lardons (as many as you like, I use 2 £1.00 packets from tesco's)
1-2 large tablespoons horseradish (depending on how hot you like it)
3/4 pint of milk
knob of butter (or dollop! LOL)

1.  Bring to the boil a pan of water and add the tagliatelle.

2. chop and wash the leeks and add into a frypan or large wok with the bacon lardons...fry until soft and the bacon cooked through...add 1 tablespoon of horseradish....and stir
(Please ignore the orange le-crueset! I know I know I don't do orange!...but this crock pot makes and ideal stew and it was only 50p! bargain!)

3.  Add the boiled through tagliatelli to the frypan with the milk and another dollop (lol) of horseradish....stir and add a dollop of butter....add the lid and cook for a futher 10 minutes on a simmering heat.....

4.  Open the lid and give it a stir...you might need to add a little more milk at this stage....you are trying to make a creamy sauce.

5. Simmer for a further 5 minutes or until the sauce has thickened...

6. Serve with a sprinkling of cheese...


have it like us and boil some spinach and add as much garlic as you like....we like lots and lots :) (especially pickled garlic which is less strong! I found mine in the 99p store :)) strain and serve on top of the pasta with the cheese ;)

and VOILA...you have a very delicious and fairly cheap meal :)

Love Happy x


  1. This looks so incredibly amazing...
    I wanted to let you know also that I nominated you for the Kreativ Blogger Award. Check out my page for details if you'd like:) Have a great day!

  2. oh my goodness..I will be right over! Now I will be craving that for the rest of the day my dear!

  3. Alas I'm not a pasta eating but it looks good!

    Victoria xx

  4. I miss Guy Fawkes Night!
    What a yummy meal you've made~

  5. Mmmmmm...lovely pasta dish...but don't breath on anyone next day!!
    Have a great Guy Fawkes.We stay in and watch other peoples fireworks as Bella hates them.


  6. It looks and sounds so yummy!

  7. This look yummie and fun. Will have to give it a try Thanks

  8. Looks yummy!
    Very comforting :)
    I'm round yours next year!!!

  9. Sounds and LOOKS yum-o, but translation please! Bacon "yardons", what?? Is that just pieces or strips of bacon? I will definitely make it and add lots of spinach 'cause I love my greens. (I'm from the south, y'all) xo, suzy

  10. OMG!!! Is that called as the guy fawkes night supper? Wow!!! It looks so delicious. Yummy!!!


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