Hello everyone, I do hope you are all well :) ....swine flu has been talked about quite alot this week, have you noticed! ....and everytime they mention the symptoms...I seem to think I have them!...they seem to change as well! have you noticed!...I have been thinking....ah well! I havn't got a sore throat, so I'll be Ok...but the other night they never mentioned anything about a sore throat! SHOCK!
...so for all I know I could of already suffered from it and not known! Oh what is a gal to do!....anyway enough of all this doom and gloom! LOL....lets move on to nice things...and we'll start by having a look at all my material that I chucked around the dining room this week!!

Do excuse the weird colours of the pictures!...I am not sure who has been playing around with the camera settings! but I shall have a bone to pick with them when I find out LOL!

Yes... the above picture, was taken at that point...you know when you are thinking to yourself...why oh why! did I go with this idea....but the other half of you is thinking - go on girl! carry on with it...it will all be worth it in the end :)

...and worth it, it was!.....I found heaps of material, that I had totally forgotten about!

Modern and vintage alike, bright and happy colours along with pastel and muted tones.

It was a real treat looking through everything and folding and arranging into the cupboard that i had chosen to be their new resting place...

Some of these pieces I just can't bare to cut up, or make anything out of them...thats probably why I have so many lovely pieces, I just cannot cut up vintage pieces and yet I know that by making them into something else, that can be used, rather than sitting in an old cupboard would be so much better :)

This is one of my favourite pieces (below) it is sooo cute, don't you think? some of it is decaying...I think it might be certain dyes that were used years ago - I have noticed this happening in certain materials where red and brown is used, could it be, that the dye back then was to harsh or is it just part of the age of a fabric...I would love to find out :)

...and this is what my cupboard looks like now...all neat and tidy...and ready to be all used up!...You see, at the moment I have the 'Lets be different' bug! I sooo used to love buying a certain brand of shabby chicness! but these days, as it is getting more & more popular...I am trying to move out of it and create more of my own style....so I am busy making my own things for the home...vintage cushion covers, throws and shopping bags...you name it I am making it!...and it is really looking kinda eclectic, which I love.
Speak soon gals...Have a lovely weekend...I won't leave it so long to write next time! I have a lot more things to tell you all - so add yourself to my followers and you will be updated when I have something new to tell you ;)

Cheerio for now
Love Happy ♥


  1. Your fabrics are gorgeous! I tend to buy fabrics and forget about them too, or buy them for certain projects i think up and then forget why i bought them.


  2. I kinda like the colouring of that photo. Looks like you cut it out of a vintage magazine! Swooning over your fabris. :0)

  3. Lovely fabric, I hate cutting it up so I'm afraid mine just sit there as well.
    Thanks for joining my facebook Big Knit group. Are you going to post them to me? Not sure where you live.
    I'm really disappointed with the turn out, only 6 people on FB & 1 via my blog!!! I think I'm going to have to give people a kick!!!
    If you know any knitters feel free to pass them my way :)

  4. Lovely fabrics - I've really enjoyed your last two posts. I'm sure you're right about certain dyes degrading the fabric over time. I have a 19th century patchwork quilt which I've cut to pieces to re-quilt, as about 30% of the fabrics in it had dissolved away wherever they had been printed with a design. At least it gives me the courage to cut it up, if it's already falling to bits! Otherwise, like you, I don't want to damage the whole...

  5. Hi, Happy! That animal fabric is so vivid! Too bad it's breaking down.

    I think your fabrics looks great in the cuboard. No need to cut it up. Just enjoy! ♥

  6. Oh it looks so nice all folded up in the cupboard. I just love the dogs on that fabric, I would hate to cut it up also. But something should be made of it!

  7. I love all your fabrics. :-)
    Have a wonderful weekend!!!

  8. Adorable fabrics. I have more fabric than an girl should admit to having and I have to admit it, I hate using it because it's all so beautiful to look at. LOL I live close to a fabric mill too and I get withdrawal symptoms if I miss a week. xx

  9. hI hAPPS!
    I so know what you mean about not wanting to cut up all those gorgeous fabrics, who can resist the lure of a pretty vintage flowery barkcloth or cute kitsch puppies! Love the bag you made,preeeeeetty x As for the swine flu, I think its a bit over-hyped, they closed a school in our town because of it and all the kids came into our shop!Great.
    Oooh you have had Selina and Debbie visit..how exciting, hope you're going to share the photos with us sometime, Selina's fab!
    have a fab weekend x

  10. Lovely fabrics! You don't fancy coming over to tidy up my workroom do you??????????I couldn't post a pic of it its too awful!

  11. I love beautiful vintage fabric with all the reds! Your shelves are full now and ready for your projects! Enjoy!

  12. I'm a fabric hoarder too but not to your extent. My problem is nowhere to store them so I've been culling things I know I'll never use, like all my dark fabrics from my primitive phase.

  13. The cupboard look beautiful...but will it last? lol I adore the baby animal fabric...what a sweet find it is! I am with you when it comes to not being able to cut up some of your fabrics. Ive 2 large jelly cupboard filled with fabric that will most likely never see the shears. Whats up with that?



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