Hello gals...how are you all this week...I hope you are all having fun in the sunshine!

Look (above) what we found whilst we were out thrifting last week...yes this lovely tin horse, that looks divine in our garden!...

apparently if you sit on it you can bounce up and down on it!! needless to say we didnt have a go, as there is no-one in our family small enough! LOL! but it sooo looks the part here in our nook don't you think!

...and the other day whilst having a look around in an old cupboard I found this wonderful quilt...it has been made with tiny patches of all different of material, we think it could of been a sample piece, showing shops, what kind of patterns they had for material or shirts or ties perhaps...it is such an interesting piece, that I had to get it out and display it.....and it really does look waonderful over our quaint little settee. :)

This is a view of our Living room, it is sooo bright and cheery and I love sitting in there in the evening, watching my favourite programmes...Did you catch Eastenders last night!...OooOh it really bought a tear to my eye, when Dot (ahhh she is luverly!) talked about how time passes so quickly to Bianca and Ronnie, if you havn't seen it, please do check it out.

Speak soon gals

Love Happy x


  1. The horse is divine...and fits in perfectly in your garden!
    Your home is so lovely...
    I religiously watch EastEnders every night, but we are a few months behind here in Australia.
    Thanks for sharing snippets from your colourful world Happy :)
    xo, Kali

  2. Yummy, your living room is lovely! It looks so bright and fresh.

    I think I like the same colours as you - pillar box red, primary blue and plenty of pink :) That quilt is so pretty, I would love to have something like that in my living room but unfortunately the small children would ruin it!!!

    Mel xxx

  3. You're telling me the one episode of EastEnders I miss and it was a good one?! I'll have to check out the repeat on Sunday.

    Victoria x

  4. Hi Happy! I missed truckloads of your blog because somehow I lost the link to it; I've just heard about Fred's Sjogrens, and I'm very sorry to hear he has been poorly. I have auto-immune things going on and had a lip biopsy earlier this year to see if I had Sjogrens. I don't, but I have all the symptoms so I have SOXX syndrome or something weird like that. I am having such fun catching up with your blog now that I'm unemployed... and I added your button to my sidebar cos it's so pretty!! Keep it up, your blog makes ME happy :)

  5. I love visiting your blog, always so cheery and colourful!

    That horse is so cute :-)
    Your quilt looks fab too!
    I have tonnes of old shirts donated from my brother and other half, and totally intend to make something like this "one day".

    I did see 'Stenders last night!
    Is it too sad that sometimes I watch it during the week AND again at the weekend? lol

    Rose XXX

  6. Your living room is just lovely! What a fun horse it looks like it belongs there.

  7. What a fun cheery home you have !

  8. I love, love, the spotted tin horse! I have a spotted horse, an Appaloosa! :)

  9. So cheerful and... Happy? Yep, that's it - you have such a happy house! I am toying with having our living area in red, white and blue this autumn - can you have influenced me somehow? I think that quilt is incredible, and would love to study each and every sample piece.

  10. Your horse is a Mobo Bronco pedal horse. My mom bought one second hand many years ago that my brother and sister used to ride. Hallmark made a miniature replica of it as part of their Kiddie Car Classics line in 1995, as well as an even smaller scale Christmas ornament in 1998.
    Love your blog, by the way!

  11. Its a good job I am not in your house now, because I would eat it, Its so scrunmy! Suzie. X

  12. Lovely quilt! It reminds me did Fred finish his quilt yet?

  13. I want to live in your cheerful world!! It is so lovely

  14. I have the rocking horse version of your horsey on a shelf in my living room. I thrifted it when I was little - it was £5 which was A FORTUNE to a 6 year old!

    I do love how i pretty much exactly the same taste as I did at 6 though!

  15. Your living room made me sigh with envy. Mine is full of blocks and legos at the moment--not quite the colorful inspiration I was looking for. Love the horse! I love what you share.

  16. I love your new horse! Perfect with the sign! Your home looks so cheery! I love it!

  17. Horsey Horsey where have you been? "Been to Happy's," gosh lucky you!

    gorgeous spotty horse and lovely pics of your sitting room :D Sarah x

  18. Love the horsey he is adorable! Your living room is to die for!

  19. I want to crawl into your blog and live in it!! It's a new find for me and am delighted to discover it!

  20. Good Lord, woman! You have so much eye candy on your blog my brain is whirling. Love it all! ;)

  21. Happy really did get lucky...a little horse to light up everyones life...What a gem...that's it, lets call her "Lil Gem"...smiling!

  22. Oh my goodness! I just found your blog and I am in love! I love the color and all the stuff "going on!" Ya know what I mean? Way too cool! Love it and have bookmarked you. :)

  23. When I get to heaven (after I start behaving), I already know what it's going to look like. Like this!!!

  24. Absolute perfection!!! Storybook perfection!!!! I wish wish wish I could come visit you my friend!!!

    ONE DAY!!!!!!

    Love from the Jersey Shore!!!
    XOXOXOXO Jenny

    hugs to Fred too!!

  25. Hello, I'm leaving you a comment because you have the most lovely blog. Fantastic writing and I love your pics as well. Best wishes !

  26. Please , please, please don't leave your beautiful MoBo horse outside in all weathers! He is such a beautiful and precious toy, a wonderful memory from my childhood it would break my hear to think of him being exposed to the elements. Find him a corner inside your cute cottage, where he will be safe and dry!

  27. I just happened upon your blog through another that had posted a picture of your holivan...Ohmigosh I LOVE LOVE LOVE that little camper! I am so happy to have happened upon your site because its full of fun and happiness and has made me smile! =) I like your westie too..I have one named Daisy! Blessings from Tammy in Michigan

  28. gorgeous garden pic, sooo cute!
    are you watching that programme with Kirstie Allsop's Kirsties Homemade Home? it seemed just like the thing you may want to watch, shes bought a house I think in Devon and shes decorating it using all crafts, quilting decoupage etc etc
    P.S Love 'Stenders

  29. Hi Ya .. where oh where can i get a red check lampshade like yours ... like you i adore colour so enjoy your blog a ..lot.. and i like your template too ..umm food for thought Happy x x x Kieren


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