We spent most of the time in the garden this weekend....apart from the grass needing a cut! (the lawnmower blew a gasket the other day!) its looking good!

This chubby wood pigeon below insists on tweet twooing all day long...but you kinda - get used to it :)

Yes we had a lovely time this weekend...it has been so humid...and even when it got a bit blowey and started to rain a little! (gosh we needed it!) we just sat under the gazebo drinking cups of tea and talking.

Max enjoyed the company and was very relaxed too, chasing the odd bumble bee around the garden!

Lazy days are just the best...don't you think! time to reflect...to look back,
to laugh and make plans....

What did you do with your weekend?


  1. Hi Happy, I love your garden, it's looking really good! :-)

  2. happy, The garden looks lovely, I too had a very mellow Sunday. Drove to the Ocean for Fish and chips.
    Weather was perfect. I love a lazy day. Have a wonderful week. Your Blog looks so Happy (:
    Hugs, Diane

  3. Love your garden and your gazebo is gorgeous! we celebrated our independence day, picnicing, swimming watching a parade and great fireworks.. then today we went to my inlaws for another cookout picnic! Now I'm POOPED out!
    have a sweet week!

  4. Hi Happy,

    Oh - goodness - I just happend onto your delightful blog via Lavender Dreamer and am so glad that I found your blog. Your garden is so colorful and happy. I am an artist and love primary colors - everything about your photographs and garden is inspiring.

    I looked for inspiration in my garden this weekend and painted a garden painting.
    Have a lovely week.

  5. Looks like a beautiful weekend and a beautiful garden. Your hard work is evident. ~Kelly

    unDeniably Domestic

  6. Your garden is looking super! It is amazing what can be done in such a short space of time! x

  7. What an amzing garden, love the beautiful pictures you took of it.

  8. What a fab garden! I love it!
    I had a wonderful time, which involved a vintage camper van and a Country Fair..! ;-)

  9. As inspiring as ever!! Lovely! Now why didn`t I buy the `amazing` set of vintage stepladders I saw at the Bootie this weekend!!!
    I should have had u with me Happy! xxx

  10. Hello Happy - I just love your floral gazebo/tent - I have never seen one like that before. Did you make it? I also read your Holiday post - and my goodness - you made that little cottage so pretty! You are an inspiration to me. I'd like you to see the antique cupboard I painted red - you gave me the courage! Thank you for sharing your delightful ideas with us!

  11. Thanks peeps for all you lovely comments glad to hear that you all had a great weekend...The CK gazebo nearly flew away today! we had a mini hurricane! Awful! its slighty damanged but nothing my lovely father in law can't sort out! :/ I hope!

    Love Happy xx

  12. You have the most fantastic garden Happy!

    Victoria xx

  13. Lovely blog - very cheery :)

  14. What a happy place. My weekend was spent in a similar manner but with fireworks.
    aka "LiBBy BuTTons"

  15. Let's hear it for the lazy days of summer! We have had terrible weather for New England so far this summer - lots of rain, cool temps (haven't even pulled out the A/C yet!), and a tornado warning yesterday! Imagine that!


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