Hello gals...I awoke at 10.30am today! I am still suffering badly from the anaesthetic! OOoh I do suffer so bad!...Anyway, I wouldn't of been able to walk around this morning so Mr Happy took Rosie to the Booty so that she could help him with carrying things etc...and they were both 'on form'! look at what they both came back with!
(Above) A lovely colourful table cloth, embroidered horse badges, a cricket book and a lovely Barbie, with blue boots!....oh! and that ever so cute tiny union jack!

They also bought the chilli lights hanging up over the door.

....and this cute ickle chickadee!

They also came back with these wonderful flowers to cheer me up :)

They also bought this blue heart shelf, some coat hooks, tea and coffee tins, a rotring drawing board and red case, a Cath Kidston purse and pencil case, baskets and milk churns...
OoOh what wonderful finds they found!

They even found this lovely...Ikea, Rosali curtain, which I have just the place for!

Didn't they do well!....
I have got them both so well trained - havn't I! LOL!
I just had to take some piccy's to show you all :)

Mr Happy also bought me this wonderful Hydrangea for the garden, which is one of my favourite plants and also this plant below...which we are not sure of the name, but its just soooo beautiful :)

As you know... I am loving my garden and decorating it like another room! and with my Mother-in-laws help yesterday, (she done a great job of weeding the beds) I want to plant (when I can) A rose bush, a lavender and a few more hydrangeas as those are my three most favourite plants...

I hope the sun shines tomorrow, we are off too the aerodrome, where Rosie will be learning to drive a car....aparently you can even drive tanks and hummers...so I might have a go! EeK!

Love Happy


  1. I love your posts, Happy...

    Feel better soon!


  2. What great finds, yes you sure have them trained well. I love it all great finds sure to make you feel better. Take care and get up and better soon. Hugs, Diane

  3. What a wonderful haul of thinhgs from one car boot.
    Hope you are feeling better very soon.

  4. Just stumbled upon your delightful blog, love all these purchases, I'm off to have a good nose around now - if you don't mind that is? LOL

  5. What an incredible haul! The union flag with the King is particularly special, I think. I am so chuffed that my computer is letting me get back onto your blog now, Happy. Get well soon.

  6. Didnt your personal shoppers do well!

    Have fun at the aerodome, how fun to drive a tank! My brother was in the army and used to drive the tanks - so jealous!!

    Victoria xx

  7. What a fun blog! I love all the stuff and the little hen is so cute.

  8. Blimey we never get good stuff like that in our local boot sales! Well done!

    Mel xxx

  9. Hi Happy!
    First, before I forget, the tall spiked plant is called purple Liatris. It also comes in white. I have had both in my garden for years and they thrive! They love full sun.

    Oh, you poor thing with the anesthesia! (I had the shakes all day from mine.) I know you'll be good as new in no time!

    Oh, yes, your family is well-trained in the art of boot shopping! You've done well - with them, and the goodies they brought you!

    Speedy recovery, and if there's anything I can do from across the pond, let me know!

    P.S. - I'm changing my blog name next week to "It's A Very Cherry World!"

  10. Hi,

    Just found your lovely blog at last! I have seen your amazing banners and layouts and love them :)
    Looking forward to reading about your world!


    Kelly xxx

  11. Wonderful as always!!!Oh I wish I were as `Talented` as u 3!!!
    Love u guys as always

  12. I think it is absolutely wonderful that your hubby and daughter would go out and be able to come back with things you adore! Now - that is true LOVE! Hope you are better soon!

  13. Another wonderful post! Everything is just so beautiful. I think i wont be able to resist following your blog :)


  14. WOW!! what a great boot sale you have near you..wonderful finds


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