Hello gals - I have been playing around in Photoshop today after being sent a book called 'Big Book of Fashion Illustration by Martin Dawber' its fantastic and really inspiring, so I thought I would create something of my own' this lady above was photographed from a large bound book of the Illustrated London News that my Nan gave to me years ago, it is dated 1855 and is filled with reports on Florence Nightingale and the Crimean War. I have added colour and a few finishes with my flowers and hearts and some butterflies...I am really impressed with it - just shows you, how books can inspire!

This next piece above was something that my Freddy created, he used date stamps and drew a scene of London around them....so fantastic don't you think! I took it into Photoshop and put a blue background in with a few more finishes and voila!

Hope you like these pieces and it inspires you to create something today :).

Bye for now.


  1. What a super adorable blog.
    I love your unique style!

  2. Hi is my 1st time leave commemt:)
    Is so much fun to edit pics in photoshop which i used to do so! Btw i love your blog with London feel:)


  3. hello lovely lady...
    just catching up with your blog - how fab is it looking!
    you are so clever with all your computer thingamebobs that you create :)
    lucky you owning that CK bag - i am still waiting for it to become
    available online again - and why
    are the tins not online???
    and why oh why is the beautiful new china always out of stock....
    it is a sad thing living miles away from a CK store - i still cannot believe that they opened one in Tunbridge Wells a few months after i left.....
    thankfully the new Joules catalogue has arrived so i can drool and wish over that!
    have a great weekend both of you
    t x

  4. Wow, these are creative! I've finally finished my little 'make do and mend' bag, thanks to your inspiration, and I've put a link to you on my blog post about the bag (on the 'Twas on a Wednesday evening post). Thanks for all your great ideas and the wonderful presentation of your blog.

  5. it looks great :)


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