Well its nearly Dinner time and this is a perfect tasty recipe that my Mum and me have been making for years, given to us by our Auntie Joyce....its so tasty and easy that I thought I would pass it on to you lovely ladies :)

All you do is peel enough potatoes for your family and cut in half - lay them flat side down in a roasting tray....also put in enough sausages for everyone too...with enough water covering about a half an inch up the side of the potatoes....add and onion or 1 leek chopped (I prefer leeks) sprinkle a stock cube all over the top preferably a meaty one (or 2 french kub cubes - these are best - you can buy these on ebay).

Put in the oven for about 40 minutes on 200 degrees. Half way through, get them out of the oven and baste with the juice and stir in about 2 teaspoons of gravy granules into the liquid...put back in the oven for another 20 minutes and then serve...the potatoes are soft like boiled on the bottom and roasted on top...as are the sausages....its delicious and a perfect credit crunch tea, serve with veg of your choice.

I hope you like it...It should look something like this above....have a good week :)


  1. This is a great recipe. I love your blog.

  2. Well I was wondering what we were having for dinner tomorrow - now I know! Thanks for popping into my blog.
    Julie xxxxxxxx

  3. Yum, does that sound and look delicious! I will have to check out ebay for the ingredients though, thank you for sharing.

    Kindredly, Lynne Laura

  4. looks sooo good.. what kind of sausage did you use?

  5. Looks like a tasty recipe,especially the potatoes.I'll give it a go,thanks for sharing!
    Rachel x

  6. Hi there, thank you for popping in...cheers hun!xxx

  7. Hi Happy,
    Thanks for your comment.

    I ADORE your blog & your lovely style!! Thanks for the great inspiration.

    : ) Bella

  8. Ooh thanks for the recipe, will definately be giving that one a go. My small people are partial to toad in the hole so it would be nice to eat sausages a different way.

  9. Mmmm! I can smell that sausage casserole. I love the Union Jack underneath, reminds me of a wartime recipe, your not secretly Margarite Patten are you?
    Thanks for popping by my blog. Love Fi x

  10. Thanks for your message on my blog.
    Will definitely be trying out this sausage casserole, thanks for sharing.

  11. Oh your blog is really lovely! It's the first time I'm here and have to visit here more often!

    I love your blog!

  12. Happy thanks for visiting my Blog, you know I love yours and I have something special for you so stop by again (:
    Hugs, Diane

  13. What a dArLiNg blog you have! So bright and cheerful and filled with great ideas! Enjoyed my visit!


  14. Found my way here via Saturday's Finds & just had to tell you that your blog is adorable!

  15. Happy, I love your blog so much that I'm giving you and it an award! Please visit my place to get it. Cheers!

  16. I made your sausage calendar tonight for supper and it was delicious. I cooked the sausage first and used green onion and added some carrots along with the potatoes. Thanks for this quick and easy supper. It's a keeper!!

  17. Sounds yum and now you've really git me wanting to eat sausage casserole!

  18. I adore your blog! Thanks so much for the "happy"!


  19. Yumo, to quote Rachel Ray, talk about comfort food!

    Suzanne in CT


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