Have a great party tonight folks!

I wish you all a very Happy New Year and hope that you all have a wonderful time tonight!

See you in the New Year xx


  1. Have a wonderful New Year. X x X x X

  2. Happy new year hun, have good un!xx

  3. Happy new year Happy honye, have a good one
    c x

  4. Happy Happy New Year to you!!!!!

    Jenny & Aaron

  5. Happy New Year to you and your family! Ewa from Poland

  6. Happy New Year Hayley!
    I hope 2009 will be a great one for you and your family,
    Niki x

  7. Happy New Year in your New Home Happy! t.x

  8. HAPPY NEW YEAR to you also! I tried to look at your blog a couple times.. I must not have been signed in because I couldnt see much HAHA. I LOOOOVE your holiday home, your fabulous!

  9. your blog is so cheerful :) happy new year to you!

  10. Hi, your blog is worderfull.
    I write you from Santiago de Chile and i love your very good taste in decoration.

    Have a good 2009.

    Visit my blog

  11. Hi, your blog is worderfull.
    I write you from Santiago de Chile and i love your very good taste in decoration.

    Have a good 2009.

    Visit my blog

  12. Happy New Year!

    I am almost incoherent with delight! I lost all of my bookmarks a year ago and lost your blog. I searched many blogs for you but couldn't find it again.

    I just happened across it again.

    Your Christmasy house is unsurpassed. Your use of red accents is fab.

    O happy day! I said hurrah when I saw the upside down tree.

    Colorado Springs, Colorado

  13. Happy New Year!

    I am giddy with excitement that I have rediscovered your blog!

    I tragically lost all of my bookmarks and couldn't remember your blog's name.

    My heart actually leapt when I linked over from Vintage,Pretty & Shabby.

    Your Christmas decorations are unsurpassed, period. Your use of red is beyond fab.

    So glad to be back, following you.

    Colorado Springs, Colorado

  14. Love your blog - I lived in England (Leamington Spa) for three years.........I am American. I love love and miss the heck out of England. I am soon going to post some pics of my favorite things in England........

  15. I love your bright, cheery colorful blog. I live in America, but I was lucky enough to live in England for 3 years. I lived in Leamington Spa and I love and miss it dearly!!! I am going to be posting some pictures of my time spent in England very soon on my blog.

  16. I have big personal hopes for this year and plan on positive changes in my life. Wishing the same for you and yours.

  17. hope your entering 2009 have been dazzling and cheerfull.
    Have a wonderfull weekend.


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