Well we have been to the French market and have already been back nearly two weeks!...I really do not know where the time goes...I know one thing though, our house needs a good clean, and now that the sun is shining, the dust looks so thick...you could even write your name in places!

Mum came last week to stay with us for a few days and we said the usual 'You'll have to take us as you find us'....we get along so well now, I now know that she doesn't come over to see a spotless house, but to see us! and we had a lovely time, watching films, lazing around...a bit of shopping, a meal out...and catching up on old times....phew! theres a lot of those!...Every time she comes we learn a little bit more about our heritage....that is one thing I must stress folks....do talk to your loved ones or at least get them to write things down - there are many things that I never talked about with my Dad...about the war and his childhood, I would of loved to of known now...to tell our children....and for them to tell their children....

We all hurry around these days don't we, rushing here and there and time floats by and before you know it another week, month, year has passed.....Yes we had a good old chatter, plenty of cuddles and much much laughter...I love our times together!

Thanks Mum for a lovely few days...I'll look forward to the next time!

Luv Happy xx


  1. Sounds like you had a lovely time with your Mum. I like the photo, you all look so happy.

    Looking forward to seeing photos from France.

  2. What a lovely post, your Mum sounds just fabulous and it's great to hear your so close.
    I miss the days spend with my Mum chatting and shopping. We are so far apart now. I think I'd have a nightmare if she turned up here. Hold on to those wonderful times.


    Catherine x


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