Right I'm back and I have decided to call this section 'Made and Found'...I have been taking pictures of everything that I have made over the last few months and the 'Found' is everything that I bought at the car boot sale recently - well last sunday actually, Fred and I was supposed to be going together! I asked him to call me before he was leaving, but he crept out on his own! thinking that I would stay in and do the housework - well his plan soon came unstuck, when he got back and realised, I was out too!!!! hahaha!!...I made sure I got back after him!! I HATE HOUSEWORK!!....anyway heres an insight into my antics....

Above is a vintage style tote that I made out of Cath Kidston material.

I bought this Noddy head china doll for 50p at the sunday bootfair.

I also bought this Snoopy apron at the sunday bootfair....everyone loves snoopy don't they!

I have recently learnt to crochet...so I taught myself how to crochet flowers, I couldn't actually understand the pattern so I improvised and ended up with something similar! Oh and Fred found this pristine vintage sewing set at a bootfair a couple of weeks ago.

Another fab 1950's style buy....only £1.00...I havn't been to a bootfair for ages, but I really enjoyed myself - I got there a 8o'clock - quite late actually, (fred didn't wake me remember!) but took my time and had a good old rummage, because to be quite honest there can be alot of rubbish becuase most people are putting their wares on ebay, but occassionally you can find the odd nice-ety.

Another handmade vintage style tote, this time I have made this in Amy Butler material - sooo kitsch don't you think!

I also bought this red spotty dress, I wished it fitted me...it probably would of when I was about 10 years old!
....Another tote I've rustled up....A friend did help me with this one as I couldn't understand the pattern....sometimes I think I am a tad dyslexic - thank heavens for spellchecker!

Thats all for now folks hope you liked my bits....I have more to show, but will post again soon - Luv Happy & Co @/*-*\@ xx


  1. I just adore the china doll you found! Well, to be honest I love the lot!

  2. I love the red and white kitschy bag! What pattern did you use? It's absolutely delicious!

  3. Hello, I just found your beautiful blog and thought I would say hi!

  4. Hayley, I love everything. The bags are really beautiful! I have that red rose Wilendur napkin, well, a bunch of them, and a tea towel, and the red rose tablecloth. I collect Wilendur. Simple, beautiful things. Thank you for sharing them. The spotted dress is just perfect. Make one!

  5. all this loveliness is giving me a tummy ache!
    I'm trying to teach myself to crochet too :-)

  6. Love the bags you made. What wonderful patterns. You do great work.

  7. Hi ;o)
    I love this bag with the Cath Kidston fabric,wonderful pattern...
    Love greetings from germany,Patricia

  8. Ooooh! The bags! Love them all, but especially the red!

  9. I love all of your bags! Hope you have them in you shop!

  10. Such lovely things.
    Thanks for sharing them with us.
    Racheal x

  11. Ooohh! what lovely bags you've made and such gorgeous fabrics!The doll is so sweet too!

  12. Hi
    I love all your finds and makings as well. I have nominated you for a Nice award have a look at my blog

  13. I LOVE the pink drawers with the numbers!

  14. those bags you made are fab. I really love that one with the Amy fabric. I've bought some of that fabric and also the pink version to make a beanbag. I also need to get a Snoopy apron. I just to be a Snoopy fan in my teenage years!

  15. Love those tote bags you made. That's it...I can't stand it anymore...I must get me some Cath Kidston fabric. :)
    Very sweet post about your mother - so glad you found each other again & can start anew.

  16. What neat things you made and found :) Your blog is so nice :)

  17. Hi I thought I recognised the style,Havershams !!!!!
    Lovely blog,hope you are both well.

  18. what fabulous finds! I really love the totes you made :o)

  19. Hi, just discovered your blog, it's lovely! I've added you to my favourites, can't wait to read more. I'm so pleased you connected again with your Mum, I'm not as close to mine as I'd like. She lives 300 miles away and a similar age to your Mum, parents of that generation aren't always good at expressing their feelings I've come to realise. Stiff upper lip and all that. I think it's because they're children of the war years.

    Also LOVE your camping post, we camped in the past but I need a bit of comfort now. We're hoping to buy a campervan next year, my daughter (15) and I plan to kit that out with CK style kitchen ware! Your tent looked fab,the vintage touches are just gorgeous!

  20. your bags are so fantastic.. beautiful bright colours.. and that clock what a find.. happy days margie

  21. Hi there! just discovered your blog, lovin it, haven't been to a boot fair in ages, think I should get out there and pick up a few bargains too. Good for you for home educating your beautiful daughter,best wishes, Annie x

  22. Hi, I've just found you and wanted to say how much I love the bags you make.

  23. Thankyou folks for all your lovely comments - I wish I could reply to you all - but you know how it is...if I had another pair of hands and all that!!....I love blogging, expressing oneself is pure therapy for me - luv and best wishes to all of you - luv happy @/*-*\@ xx

  24. I love the Amy Butler material, it's so wonderfully red!
    And you do seem to have a knack for finding little bits and pieces. I'm too lazy to go to car boots, plus Dh would be aghast at the things I'd want. One day i will break free & he will just watch amazed as I turn this house into a red, white and peacock blue paradise.... or not, probably. Just a little bit rosie.


Thanks for leaving a comment...I really do appreciate your kind words xx