Happy's Vintage Caravan Interviews
Well why not! the sun has been shining and Cindy from Knysna in South Africa got in touch with me and told me all about her wonderful vintage caravan and I asked her if she would like me to feature her on my blog...and she said that she would be delighted! so here we go again with hopefully the start of another year of peeps that want to be featured on my blog with their delicious vintage caravans and vehicles...

Yes vehicles, this year I am going to be adding vintage vehicles to the mix, so if you have a vintage caravan or vehicle that you would like to share with me on my blog, then please do get in touch with me HERE...Enough said already...right let's drool over her pictures and I'll hand you over to Cindy at the end! 
very happy loves rosie in style

Happy's vintage caravan club

Quirky eclectic vintage caravan decor

vintage caravan interior decor

Happy shabby gypsy chic

vintage enamel and retro tins

happy loves rosie's vintage caravan club

Dolly the Vintage caravan in Knysna SA

Dolly the caravan was born in 1975. After spending my childhood in a caravan playing in there for endless hours I wished that one day when I was big I could experience having my own caravan

When I saw Happy's caravan...I had to lay my hands on one asap and start playing again!
Dolly found me in the end, as the very awesome guy that sold me her knew how inspired I was with Happy and her Green Holivan that he started looking for me and I didnt have to wait long before he introduced me to Dolly...which as you can imagine...was a dream come true.

After that I had to make her my own and I spent endless days gutting Dolly and loved the challenge of getting her looking like I invisioned. The walls and floor had old school  70's tiles glued on, painstakingly I stripped the glue off and then I could start to paint her... Yay!!

Dolly got 3 coats of water based enamel and the wooden floor was painted checkerboard using the same enamel paint and then I applied a sealer... a month later Dolly was looking beautiful inside...Then the heavens opened for a week and I couldn't wait to paint her outside... I mixed the colours myself and finally one Sunday morning I woke up to a glorious sunshiny day....

Dolly was first prepped by sanding her down completely and then finally after an age I could attack her with a good quality primer.  Once she was thoroughly dry she got a pretty coat of paint also using water based enamel

 All the decor pieces inside was chosen especially for Dolly... Ahhh that was the best part, scouting 2nd hand shops and painting the furniture and finding all things funky and quirky for her was so fun! Decorating her with shabby, rusty eclectic pieces felt so rebellious, but I loved it! Dolly is now home to many visitors far and wide, she doesn't travel but travellers have spent many great times visiting her.

Robins and Roses business details
Cindy along with her best friend Lauren owns an upcycled furniture and home decor shop in Knysna, SA.  They do not have a blog or a website, but below is a picture of the inside of the shop that they both own...
Cath kidston style home decor
If they ever do start selling online I will definitely let you all know.

Well here's a BIG Thank you to Cindy for sending me all her beautiful pictures of Dolly and for her interview....

If you are inspired by Cindy's Caravan, then please can you leave a comment below, as this is the only way she will get any feedback for her hard work in creating Dolly. Thanku xx

...and once again, if you would like to contribute to this page in the future, please do contact me HERE...I can't wait to hear from you.


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