Well here we are gals...its now the 8th December  and we are well on the way to the BIG 25!...presents are wrapped cards are written and the Chrimbo decs are up!

Well perhaps they are for most of you...but for the Happy House, I am soooo far behind...Usually I am all prepared by now, as my birthday at the start of the month usually see's the first decoration being put up...
...but lately I have not had the energy, as we have had pnuemonia in our family, plus my wisdom tooth has decided to show up a couple of times bringing on a couple of migranes with it that has lasted a few days at a time! Goodness I am feeling very old this year!
I even went out Clubbing with Rosie last Saturday, and have had chronic back ache since! lol! (maybe its becasue I danced like a teenager all night!) Oh goodness...my mind still thinks I am 18 but my body feels more like 80!
 Even Freddy has wheeled (in his Wheelchair) a couple of boxes of chrimbo decs into the house to try and get me started! lol!...but all I seem to want to do is sleep! OMG! I need a good kick up my A** me finks ;)
 So I have written a list (ooh get me!) haha! and I have a finish date...which is going to be Sunday 11th December...my kiddies and Freddy are off to their Nan's for a visit on Saturday, (ark at me! Kiddies! Daz is 22 and Rosie 18! lol! but they will aways be my babies ;)) so I will have a day free to pamper the house with all our vintage baubles and delights
 I am showing you piccies of previous years and as I am looking at them and remembering what I have, I am getting quite excited...its just I have to get my weary body upright and moving lol!
I suppose wearing about 25 jumpers at once to save on my electricity bill doesn't help with my movement either, as once I sit in the chair...I am kinda stuck there ;)
 Oh well...
keep ya fingers crossed kiddo's and hopefully I should have some new piccies for ya next week ;)


  1. What great pics! I love the last one best...I will now try to keep calm as per the request! :D
    Hope you are all recouperated in time for the Holidays. Even a sober night out can leave me with a hangover at my old age!
    Thanks for sharing. :)

  2. I share your pain, I am not organised at all! I am more interested in catching up on May the Best House Win!! :) I like you plan to have a busy weekend. i look forward to your pictures!! I love your house! :)

  3. Ooh I want to come to happys house for Christmas!... Lovely to see Christmas book & selfridges bauble make the Christmas page! Have a fabulous Christmas & birthday celebrations. Tx

  4. What lovely photo's your house really will look even more gorgeous all decked out ;-)) Happy xmas shopping shopping, dee x

  5. Can you come decorate my space??? Pleeez? My littles keep claiming any ornament/trinket/lovely thing as their own, stashing them in their forts...sigh. Happy December from Vancouver, Canada!

  6. Wooow thats sooo sweet.
    I like it.


  7. No wonder you were getting excited looking through your previous years piccies, you have some fab stuff, I am totally loving the keep calm pic and the selfridges union jack bauble has me lusting. And I love the bowl of vintage decorations too, in fact I think I'll say I just love it all and be done with it!
    And I've gotta say I don't think I've ever heard anyone use the work 'ark' except my grandad who used to say it when he wanted you to repeat something. I've certainly never seen it written anywhere, I love it!
    Jo :)


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