Finally we have a new door! yep the old one was deteriorating fast! and we had wanted to paint it a different colour for ages...but the landlord said NO! :(

But finally after an AGE of waiting...The Man from Del Monte...he say YES! Yay! lol!
So the paint was Rosie and I.....and OMG what a day that was!...we set the alarm off on the way into B&Q...and security and all the assistants looked at us!..thinking? 'are they bringing something back that they have already stolen!' lol! we were gigling about that!

....and then we couldn't find a decent 'duck egg blue' exterior gloss we pressed the buzzer and got an assistant to help us....we picked a colour which definitely wasnt the colour we have in these pictures! it was a lovely pale duck egg!...anyway...the paint guy mixed it up and showed us the colour...and we both laughed and said 'that is NOT the colour that we had picked!'...but we were in a 'silly mood' and the guy insisted that if the correct undercoat was applied it would be ok!...well we looked each other in the 'cranky HaPpY lOvEs RoSiE' way....and decided to take the paint afterall! well! he was supposed to be a professional paint person! wasn't he! ;)
....Then we made an even bigger embarrasment of oursleves :) leaving the store, as I told all the we were walking out of this HUGE superstore, that when we leave and go through the exit...we would set the alarm off again, because we had on the way in!! we paid for the paint...drawing everyones attention that the alarm would go off.....and as we walked through the exit!....Guess what!
The 'ruddy' alarm DIDN'T go off! lol! :D what a HOOT! OMG Rosie and I could not stop laughing! it was sooooooo Hilarious! Oh we do have a right old laugh when we are out and about...we are like two Naughty School Gals :) even through she is 17 and I am 45... :)

....And as for the paint! Grrrrr! the colour didn't turn out to be the one we choose...but it did turn out to be this very very bright turquoise! Eek! Oh yeah!...The Landlord sent a lovely guy to paint the door for us and he had to wear sunglasses while he was painting it! lol!

So when it gets a little warmer, I will paint it a duller colour (unless of course we get used to this one!) and I have also decided to paint the 'orrible wood stain white...and the gate a blue to match the door....and then I will be a hell of alot happier :)

Have you had any painting disasters lately?



  1. Maybe it is just the photos, but I love this color!!!!! It screams spring!!!!!! LOL Sandy

  2. Absolutely love the door, I wouldn't change it for the world. I went shopping with dh the other day & every shop we went into he set off the alarms. He took everything out of his pockets & handed it all around the family to work out what it was. Finally it was his new credit card holder. It had one of those metallic security things in one of the pockets. Had us laughing as he beeped his way around the shopping cenre.

  3. LOL...great story i was smiling with you ;-)) I love it to its really fresh and reminds me of summer days and blue skys, have a lovely week, dee x

  4. Oh I adore this door color leave it.

  5. Noo don't change it it's lovely. Very bright and cheerful just what you need with the horrible weather we have at the moment, it's actually snowing here AGAIN ARGHHH...

  6. I think this door colour is perfect for you! It sums up my image of you, from what I have read of your blogs!
    I will be searching for that duck-egg blue type colour for my front door soon - doesn't sound easy to find then!?!

  7. Such a happy, happy door - love it! :-)

  8. The door looks great. Matches the vase on your side bar with the dotted roses in it. at least on this computer. :)


  9. Its still a lovely colour, its so shabby happy!

  10. Don't change it! It's really lovely. I need to get some paint mixed soon, wondering what on earth I'll end up with now. Actually something along the lines of your turquoise is what I'm after, maybe I should ask for duck egg.

  11. What a gorgeous colour! I want to go home right now and paint my door!!!

    Victoria xx

  12. What a gorgeous colour! I want to go home right now and paint my door!!!

    Victoria xx

  13. Love that color! Looks so adorable! Marcia in California

  14. It sounds just like me and my mum, we find the smallest things funny when out in public and can't stop laughing, people must think we are crazy, but we don't care, that is what life is all about being happy and being able to laugh : ) xxx

  15. I love the color. I am sure I will love the next color too 'cause I love everything you do!

  16. That colour looks great to me!

    Love the curtain you have up at your door.

    Bee happy x

  17. Well I for one really love the new door colour......please keep it!!!!
    What a lovely giggling colourful post!
    Nattie x

  18. I was trying for a dusty pink in our bedroom and it turned out Pepto-Bismol pink. Ugh. We lived with for three years and finally repainted.

  19. hi happy, I agree with the others - the colour is great!!! thanks for sharing pics and story. I'm a follower of your blog - maybe you'd like to follow me back? :) cheers Trish.

  20. Although the right "Duck Egg" is very hard to find,I LOVE this shade of blue,it is very "Happy" and retro. I agree with the other Happy Chicks please don`t change it?

  21. I agree..don't change it and it matches your fab curtain perfectly, very HaPpY :) x x x xx

  22. Oh how I love your blog.....sooo cheery, makes me happy! I just love your Max.....we have an Izzy! Westies are the Besties! So happy I happened upon your blog!

  23. I love that colour - it's bright and fun!! better than duck egg. I painted our door in Cobalt blue from Duluz colour mixing. I find the F&B and the like have a very limited selection of gloss colours. Dulux Luna landscape is a lovely blue too (see side board):

  24. Keep it Happy. It's you! It'll probably fade a bit anyhow. I love it!!!

  25. I think the bright blue looks fab! A great pick me up colour`! xxx

  26. Hi! I discovered your blog from one of your followers in the Philippines. I love your blog and I am now one of your avid followers. I love the color of the door. I actually love color blue :)

    I am looking forward for more posts from you.

    Have a great day!

  27. Sounds like a naughty yet fun adventure you have there. I like the finished color though. Love all hues under blue tones.

  28. OMG!! Love the door, LOVE the blog, and LOVE the button I just added to my blog!!

  29. It turned out ok in the end!! Funny!
    Have I already told you how much I want a trailer like yours? I drool everytime I come here!!
    Your blog is fantastic!


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