I am off this weekend to visit my Mum, she needs an operation and I will be traveling the 20 miles to London to take her there.
I will be travelling in my little car...Hopefully if hubby hasn't parked it in the middle of the road and it hasn't been smashed to pieces! LOL! (see post a little way down!)
I shall be leaving my poor hubby to do the washing up and stuff, but bless, he can't do much these days, so I am sure Rosie will help him :)
Its our anniversary on sunday...we have been married 23 years, so we promised ourselves that we will celebrate next week sometime, once I know my Mum is ok :)
No doubt we will be drinking plenty of tea to help Mum get over the op...its only a lump on her finger, but she is 80, although you would never believe it! but we are very worried about it because she has had dislocated hips from birth and she uses her arms all the time, so if there are any complications, we will have to see if it will be worth her while to have the op, but I'll let you all know when I get back :)
Speak soon gals,


  1. I hope all goes well with your Mom's appointment. I'll be saying a prayer for her.

  2. I'll say a prayer for your Mom and 23 years wow thats wonderful, You don't look old enough to be married that long.

  3. God Bless, thinking of you
    Heather x

  4. Hope all goes well with your mother. Wish you both all the best.

  5. I hope all goes well for your mum, i was born with dislocated hips also and over the past 7 years have had 2 major operations where they have cut and re-a-ligned my pelvis and pinned my hip bone back in. I have never met anybody else, hope you don't mind me asking has she lived with them out of joint all her life? Bless her so painful. My heart goes out. Happy anniversary to you. Hope all goes well. Dee

  6. Hello and congratulations for your blog
    very colorful and interesting, I follow
    always! And best wishes for your mom!
    Greetings Susy

  7. Wishing your mum well with her op,

    Victoria xx

  8. hope your mums op goes well.. it can be a scary time no matter how small the op cant it..
    do you think you will come back to an even bigger pile of dishes.. i know i would if i went away for a few days!!

  9. Oh bless your Mum! Fingers crossed (although maybe not the poorly one) that she'll be OK.
    Happy Anniversary. x

  10. I love their old coffee pots! I love the beautiful colors! a wonderful weekend and many greetings

  11. hope you everything goes well with your mum, i have just looked after my mum with her hip op!!!! she wouldn't let me do much though she was determined to get back on track.......adore your pink cake stand x x x

  12. Oh hope all goes well with your mother :)

    All things nice...

  13. I really hope all goes well for your Mum. Lots of love, Amanda xxx

  14. Hope everything goes well! Safe travels to London.

    You're photos are beautiful! I want all your dishes :) I will def be back to visit your blog!

    ~Enjoy your weekend!
    The gals at Everlasting Blooms

  15. Thoughts and prayers for you all, Happy.

  16. Best of luck with your Mum Happy. Love your new look blog design too.
    You are such a clever chick!PS. LOVED your happy house in BBC Homes and antiques (once it finally arrived here at the end of September!).
    Love Jacqui

  17. Happy anniversary to you both on this special day, hope everything goes well for your mum, Lucey xxPS love the coffee pots.

  18. Happy Anniversary to both of you and hope all goes well with your mom. She'll be in my prayers always. TC!


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